Midpoint Roundup September 12th
Please note that September 12th we'll be having our National Day of Civic Hacking / Hack Kansas City MIDPOINT ROUNDUP. All teams who participated in the hackathon in June -- as well as any that have formed since -- are encouraged to attend. We'll just be giving project updates on the work we've accomplished so far. The purpose is to keep each other updated and to invite newcomers to join teams or contribute where they can. Be there or be square. (Also note: It'll be upstairs in the big room, so be sure to enter on the north side of the building.) RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/KCBrigade/events/233354236/
Have some JavaScript/jQuery skills?
I-Got-Mine has some small JavaScript/jQuery issues that could be knocked out tonight. See Oleh or Eric or issues listed on GitHub https://github.com/codeforkansascity/I-Got-Mine (See README and click “Cards Ready To Work On”).
Dispatches from HQ:
National Day of Civic Hacking: Last week, Nicole and Christopher of Code for America met with Secondmuse and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to talk about next year’s National Day of Civic Hacking. Yes, it’s way way early - but with the change in administration we wanted to get ahead of the curve. They received a lot of feedback from the survey. HQ current thinking involves adding more partners, making challenges more ‘local-centric’ vs broad national challenges, and determining a way to get funding for the work that NDoCH involves.
Civic Tech Jobs
David Huebner, Code for America’s new Talent Director, is starting up an experimental job board at http://jobs.codeforamerica.org/. If you have a job or related ideas you’d like to share, don’t hesitate to reach out to David. His email is dhuebner@codeforamerica.org. Here are a few highlights from the board.
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