December 12th, 2016 Meeting

Our final meeting for 2016 will feature two distinguished IBM speakers – Robert Catterall and Adrian Burke.

Here is our agenda for the December 12th meeting:
8:00 to 8:30 am Check in and continental breakfast
8:30 to 8:45 am IBM
IBM Announcements – Manas Dasgupta, IBM
8:45 to 10:00 am – Robert Catterall, IBM
Let Me Make This Clear (Things That Plenty of DB2 for z/OS People Get Wrong)
10:00 to 10:15 am Break
10:15 to 11:30 am – Robert Catterall, IBM
Modernizing the Architecture of Your DB2 for z/OS-Accessing Applications
11:30 to 12:30 pm Lunch
Our lunch break may run a little longer if Adrian’s flight gets delayed
12:30 to 2:00 pm –  Adrian Burke, IBM
DB2 for z/OS Distributed Access – In the Mobile Age
2:00 to 2:15 pm Break
2:15 to 3:30 pm – Adrian Burke, IBM
Avoiding L2 Performance PMRs
3:30 to 3:35 pm Stefan Kolev, President
User Group Announcements

Speaker Bios:
Robert Catterall is a Senior Consulting DB2 for z/OS Specialist with IBM. He started his IT career with IBM in 1982, and worked throughout the 1990s as a member of the Company's DB2 for z/OS National Technical Support team. From 2000 to 2007, Robert worked as a database technology strategist for CheckFree (now part of Fiserv). After working for three years as an independent DB2 consultant, he rejoined IBM in 2010. Robert is a past President of the International DB2 Users Group (IDUG), and a member of IDUG's Speakers Hall of Fame. He presents frequently at conferences, and blogs about DB2 for z/OS at
Adrian Burke is an Open Group Master Certified IT Specialist on the DB2 SWAT team based out of the Silicon Valley Lab. In this role as a technical advocate for DB2 for z/OS Adrian conducts and educational workshops, DB2 health checks, and availability studies for DB2 for z/OS customers. Adrian has spoken at numerous DB2 Regional User Groups in the U.S. and abroad as well as presented at IDUG, SHARE, and IOD. He is also a published Redbook author on material dealing with DB2 and z/OS performance.


Let Me Make This Clear (Things That Plenty of DB2 for z/OS People Get Wrong)
Some aspects of DB2 for z/OS technology are plain as day; others, less so. Questions I get from DB2 users worldwide have highlighted for me things that a lot of folks - even very experienced DB2 people - get wrong. In this session I'll try to bring clarity to oft-misunderstood areas of DB2 for z/OS technology

Modernizing the Architecture of Your DB2 for z/OS-Accessing Applications
DB2 for z/OS has been around for more than 30 years, and there are applications written for DB2 in the 1980s that are running just fine today. That said, recent years have seen major changes in the architecture of DB2-accessing applications. These newer developments have delivered enhanced agility, resiliency, and flexibility, while conforming to the programming preferences of a new generation of application developers. This session will explore a variety of topics related to modern architecture for DB2-accesisng applications, including native SQL procedures, synergy with message queuing technology, support for Java and other modern languages, RESTful services, and leveraging developer-friendly DB2 features and functions.

DB2 for z/OS Distributed Access – In the Mobile Age
Come and learn the best practices and updates to Distributed Access on DB2 for z/OS 10 and DB2 11. As distributed environments become more complicated and important your organization needs a methodology for adjusting timeouts and other thresholds for high availability.  We will go over the recommended driver and server configurations for workload balancing, high availability, and client reroute in a Data Sharing or non-Data Sharing environment.  You will be exposed to recent customer incidents that could have been avoided with the correct proactive driver/server settings  We will also discuss improvements to DDF cancel thread, location stats, and how to positively identifying these distributed threads for problem determination.

Avoiding L2 Performance PMRs:
Root cause analysis of presumed, or actual DB2 performance issues can be quite tricky in today's diverse environments.  Everything from CEC capacity, LPAR utilization, real/virtual storage, WLM settings, PARMLIB members, and DB2 parameters can play a part in performance degradation.  Wouldn't it be nice if there were some tools (no-charge ones at that) which could quickly guide you in the direction of the root cause?  Not just in text format but with graphs and trending lines that can visually depict the bottle neck and help educate management and colleagues.  Many man hours have been wasted studying the effects of a system slowdown. This presentation will walk through a methodology for avoiding these issues.

Member Fees
The membership fees for 2016 remain unchanged from 2015 and the breakdown is as follows:
2016 Fee Structure:
Annual Membership $180.00
Pay in Advance Single Event $ 55.00
Late Registration/Walk in Single Event $ 65.00

Please Note:  There are options to purchase annual memberships as well as individual meetings through the website.

Meeting Location
A reminder that our meetings are held at Kansas University -
Edwards Campus, Regnier Building at 127th and Quivira in Overland Park.
*** Please note this is the Regnier Building at KU-E, NOT the ***
*** Regnier Building at Johnson County Community College. ***
Kansas University - Edwards Campus
12600 Quivira Rd
Overland Park, KS 66213-2402
Maps and directions are available here:
The Regnier building is in the southeast corner of the complex, and you will find parking in front of that building off of 127th St. Our exact room will be posted on the information screen as you enter the building.
I hope to see you on December 12th!

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