Friday, March 3, 2017 at 12:30:00 AM The Grid 12022 Blue Valley Parkway, Overland Park, KS
Learn! Practice! Share experiences! Network with others!
The Midwest Scaled Agile Framework® Meetup Group is for people and organizations that are interested in learning and sharing stories on how to scale their Agile | Lean implementations using the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe). Learn more about SAFe at
Join us for a beverage, some hors d'oeuvres, conversation and learning!
Topic: A Practitioner's Introduction to SAFe®
Meeting Description:
There has been a lot of buzz in the press and the marketplace about SAFe® since its introduction in 2012. Companies as varied as TradeStation (an award winning trading platform, trading software provider and online financial brokerage services provider), Elekta (a human care company pioneering solutions for treating cancer and brain disorders) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise have all found success leveraging the learnings and structure of the Scaled Agile Framework®. Even small to mid-sized companies have been able to tap into and scale the productivity and benefits of agile teams. What about your organization?
While the framework provides a solid foundation on which an organization can base their delivery model, there are key learnings and factors that need to be understood as part of a successful implementation. Just as Ponce de Leon will tell you there isn't a fountain of youth, the SAFe® methodologists and experienced practitioners will tell you there isn't a short cut to realizing the benefits of the framework. However, unlike Ponce de Leon, organizations utilizing SAFe® are not equipped simply with legendary tales and questionable maps. There is a deep and rich knowledge base of experiences, best practices and materials available to assist those on the journey.
Join us on Thursday March 2, 2017 as Martin Olson (a SAFe® 4.0 Program Consultant Trainer) shares his experiences and insights on what has worked in the past and provides a working overview of SAFe® 4.0. If you are familiar with the framework and have some specific questions or if you are new to the conversation and would like more information, please plan on joining us on March 2.
Who Should Attend:
This is a public event and open to anyone wishing to learn more about SAFe® and\or share their experiences with the framework. Leaders and executives that are looking to realize the benefits called out in the SAFe® case studies ( will find the session extremely helpful and informative whether they are getting started or are already using SAFe®.
Coffee, tea and appetizers will be provided by the host. Wine and beer will be available at a cash bar.
Speaker Bio:
Martin Olson is a Principal with Silicon Prairie Solutions. Silicon Prairie Solutions helps organizations and their associates grow and adapt more Lean|Agile abilities through training, coaching and mentoring. Silicon Prairie Solutions and thier partners have clients throughout the US and Europe.
Martin founded the Agile KC ( group and continues to lead it after fourteen years. In addition he has been a founding member of the Agilehood KC ( who's mission is to 'Connect groups and communities to foster collaboration' in the Kansas City Metropolitan area. He holds an MBA from the University of Kansas and is a SAFe® SPCT 4.0. Martin is also a member of the International Coaching Federation and a certified Organizational Relationship and Systems Coach (ORSCC). You can reach Martin at
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