Monday, June 5, 2017 at 6:00:00 PM Think Big Partners 1712 Main Street, Kansas City, MO

Interested in helping the Kansas City area? Great! Whether or not you know how to code, you can help by joining us to work on civic hacking to create a better Kansas City and surrounding cities. Bring projects, ideas, designs, laptops, data, and friends.

Meeting Format

6:00 - Social / Networking
6:15 - Kickoff and Introductions
6:25 - New Member Orientation and Hacking

(7:00 ~ Pizza arrives -- first Mondays only)
7:45 - Wrap up - get project updates

Location: Think Bit CoWorking on the West side of the building.

Please RSVP so that we know how many snacks & drinks to bring.

Civic Heroes of all types welcome! This event is for coders and non-coders alike -- as long as you're interested in making government more transparent and building interesting things for our city, you're more than welcome!

Bring a laptop: If you intend on getting some hands-on hacking done (it's ok if you can't but it definitely helps to have one).

On first Mondays, there will be pizza! We'll be getting some 'za from Sizzle Pie, so there will be a vegetarian option.

If you have something you'd like to work on or are excited about, please let us know via the meetup or at the hack night itself. We are growing our initiative and the energy comes from the community.

Code for Kansas City has a Code of Conduct! Please always be respectful and help us keep our events welcoming, positive, productive environments for everyone.

Connect with Us:

• Join our Code for KC email list.

• Follow us on Twitter @CodeforKC

• Join us on Slack:

Got questions? Email our Brigade Captain, Paul Barham:

Code For Kansas City presenters and participants are held to this anti-harassment policy. Click here for event


Saturday, June 10, 2017 at 1:00:00 PM Johnson County Library, Leawood Pioneer 4700 Town Center Dr, Leawood,

This is tentatively set up as a beginner's session, but we might switch it with the advanced topics session in May or July. No speakers or topics confirmed yet. If you have a suggested topic or you want to volunteer to give a talk, leave a comment below. Just as a reminder, a beginners topics meeting covers fundamental aspects of R that anyone learning R needs to know in order to succeed. Some examples of beginner topics talks include file manipulation, importing data from Excel, subsetting data structures, and recoding variables.

In contrast, an advanced topics meeting covers aspects of R that are more specialized. Some examples of advanced topics include LASSO regression, R on the Raspberry Pi, wavelets, colors in R, interactive web applications built with R, Bayesian models, data mining using the caret package, and survival data analysis. You don't have to be a beginner to show up at a beginners topics meeting. Advanced users can still benefit by getting a more complete understanding of fundamental R features.

You don't have to be an advanced user to show up at an advanced topics meeting. Beginners can benefit from these talks to because they give you an idea of the breadth and power that R has.

Finally, on some months, we hold a hack session. There are no formal presentations during a hack session. Just show up ready to ask questions of the others in the group. We have a very broad and diverse membership, so there's a very good chance that someone will be available to help you with any questions about R that you might have.

Click here for event


Saturday, June 10, 2017 at 5:00:00 PM The Nerdery 100 E 7 St Suite #401, Kansas City, MO

You MUST register on Eventbrite to attend -

Session Topic: Programming Concepts 101: Intro to jQuery & JavaScript

Join us for our monthly coding series, Coding & Cocktails. Women are invited to attend sessions to get an introduction to website building in a fun, laid-back atmosphere.

We'll discuss what Javascript and jQuery are, why they are important to front-end developers and how to incorporate them in our websites. Using these tools will allow you to make your website interactive. We will practice using jQuery with support from awesome mentors!

There will be lots of guidance and support for those with no coding experience so come join the fun! 

• No coding experience necessary (we mean that!) 

• Wifi-enabled laptop is required (don't have one? Borrow one of ours) 

• Must be at least 21 to attend 

• Cocktails, non-alcoholic beverages, and light appetizers served 

• Please familiarize yourself with Kansas City Women in Technology's Code of Conduct.

Do you need financial assistance to attend? View for more information.

If you are unable to attend, you must cancel 48 hours prior to the event to receive a refund!

Click here for event


Saturday, June 10, 2017 at 10:00:00 AM , ,

RSVPs open 10 days before the date of the event.

Come work on Python projects, get programming help, help others, and meet interesting people. We'll begin with brief introductions and an opportunity to talk about what we're each working on. We'll have members available to help beginning Python programmers with language basics and getting Python and related tools installed on their computers. We'll have plenty of time for more advanced topics, too.

Audience: Everyone! We'll have something for all Python experience levels.

What to bring: A laptop with WiFi and power cord.

Click here for event


Monday, June 5, 2017 at 10:00:00 AM Central Resource Library 9875 W 87th St , Overland Park, KS

Having trouble finding time to write your blog post. Me too. 

I want to have a dedicated time to work on my blog post each week, I figured it would be great to schedule a time to blog and be with other WordPress people. 

Let's get together and write and talk some, but be a support network to get our blog posts written. 

This is not a help session, it is to post blogs. 

This is not an information session, it is to post on your own website.

I plan on two in the morning and two in the evening per Month on Tuesdays or Wednesdays... Depending on my teaching schedule. Hope you to see you there. 

NOTE - The library has free wifi. If you want a secure internet connection, bring your own hotspot - one will not be provided. The library does have secure computers right outside the conference 2 meeting room.

Conf Rm 01 by computer bay Click here for event


Friday, June 2, 2017 at 2:30:00 PM Hammerspace 440 E 63rd St , Kansas City, MO

Fidget Spinners are all the rage right now, and HammerSpace is hosting a class where you can make your very own out of 3D printed parts and high quality bearings!

During this class, students will get to choose from a wide variety of color casings for their fidget spinner (including UV color changing and glow-in-the-dark). The instructor will then teach you how to open and prepare the different types of bearings for maximum spin time and balance, then everyone will assemble their spinners.

Nathan Hall of Rocketman Toys makes and sells fidget spinners of all shapes, sizes, and colors right here in the KC area. His spinners are high quality, and usually spin for 60-90 seconds at a time. In addition to being the instructor for this class, he will also have pre-assembled fidget spinners for sale at HammerSpace during the class if you wish to pick some up while you're there.

For ages: 8-108 years old

This and all classes are open to BOTH HammerSpace members AND non-members, but you must RSVP and prepay for this class if you wish to attend. There is also a 1pm-2pm session of this same class on the same day.

Click here for event


Friday, June 2, 2017 at 1:00:00 PM Hammerspace 440 E 63rd St , Kansas City, MO

Fidget Spinners are all the rage right now, and HammerSpace is hosting a class where you can make your very own out of 3D printed parts and high quality bearings!

During this class, students will get to choose from a wide variety of color casings for their fidget spinner (including UV color changing and glow-in-the-dark). The instructor will then teach you how to open and prepare the different types of bearings for maximum spin time and balance, then everyone will assemble their spinners.

Nathan Hall of Rocketman Toys makes and sells fidget spinners of all shapes, sizes, and colors right here in the KC area. His spinners are high quality, and usually spin for 60-90 seconds at a time. In addition to being the instructor for this class, he will also have pre-assembled fidget spinners for sale at HammerSpace during the class if you wish to pick some up while you're there.

For ages: 8-108 years old

This and all classes are open to BOTH HammerSpace members AND non-members, but you must RSVP and prepay for this class if you wish to attend. There is also a 2:30pm-3:30pm session of this same class on the same day.

Click here for event


This group connects to reach consensus through knowledge sharing and open discussion of the latest trends in blockchain tech, cryptocurrency, ICO's, and whatever is most interesting.
We plan get togethers ranging from beer-fueled round tables to caffeine-fueled whiteboarding sessions as well as crypto-fueled everything else.


Please join us this week on Thursday June 1st, from 2:30PM – 6:00PM at the College Basketball Experience (CBE) at Sprint Center for an awesome learning experience and a great opportunity to get to know your fellow Database professionals! This event is sponsored by Dell EMC!
Please register HEREPlease note: There are only 5 tickets left for this event. Your ticket will be required to attend this event.
Topic: SQL Performance Best Practices
Learn tips and tricks for maximizing SQL by leveraging performance metrics that will allow you to understand and tune bottlenecks in SQL, Windows Server, Virtualization, SAN, and Storage array.
About Craig Allen:
Craig Allen is a Microsoft Specialist at Dell EMC. His role as a technical consultant and “MSpecialist” is to help customers gain a strong technical understanding of Microsoft products and solutions, as well as the integration and interoperability between Microsoft and Dell EMC, including joint-development between the two companies.
Craig assists in the initial planning and evaluation of Dell EMC’s “Proven Solutions for Microsoft”, including requirements gathering, architectural guidance, and integration considerations. He also works with Dell EMC Consulting and local Microsoft teams to coordinate efforts around solutions development and deployment.
Craig is located in Dallas, TX and hash 25 years of experience in IT.
Our Sponsor:
Dell EMC is a global leader in enabling businesses and service providers to transform their operations and deliver information technology as a service (ITaaS).
Please note, this will be an afternoon meeting.
Meeting Schedule for Thursday, June 1st, 2017:
  • 2:30 - 2:40 - Greeting and Housekeeping
  • 2:40 – 2:50 – Dell EMC Introduction
  • 2:50 - 4:00 - Presentation
  • 4:00 – 4:10 - Wrap up and Q&A
  • 4:10: - 6:00 – Enjoy the College Basketball Experience
We look forward to seeing you all soon!
KC User Group Slack Channel!
Our user group treasurer Matt Jones has set up a Slack site for our user group! The site address is Since we are using the free version of slack, you must be sent an invitation email in order to join. If you would like to join our slack site, please reply to this email and we will send you an invitation!  Please note: Once you receive the invitation please join right away because we can only send out a limited number of invitations at a time. Any unaccepted invitations will block our ability to send out more invitations.
Call for Speakers!
We are looking to fill up the year with speakers for the coming months! If you have any interest at all in speaking at one of the meetings this year, please let me know and I will get you scheduled! If you are more interested in doing a 10-15 minute lightning talk, then we can definitely make that happen as well! Please reply to this email if you have any interest at all.
Call for Sponsors!
We are also looking for sponsors for these future meetings! If your business has any interest in promoting their brand, please let me know by replying to this email!
KC SQL Server User Group web site: http://kansascity.sqlpas


Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 6:00:00 PM Hammerspace 440 E 63rd St , Kansas City, MO

This will be the last Open House night at the current HammerSpace building before everything in the workshop is packed up and moved to the NEW, BIGGER, BETTER HammerSpace location at 5200 E. 45th St. KCMO.

Our soft opening and first open house at the NEW HammerSpace location will be on Thursday, July 13th, 6pm-9pm. We will also host an official GRAND OPENING ribbon cutting event later in the year, complete with live music, food, maker exhibits, and other entertainment.

We hope all of our members (past and present) can make it to this final open house night at HammerSpace at the "old" location. This building holds 5 years worth of memories, stories, and moments of inspiration. We watched our children grow up here, and made life-long friendships with some amazing people. We are sad to say goodbye to our Brookside home, but the good news is we get to take the memories with us to the new building, and also THIS NEW BUILDING IS AMAZING!!!!!

Hope to see you during this final open house night event, and also at the new location in the very near future! Thank you for all of your support, fellow makers!

1/2 block east of Oak St. on 63rd St. Click here for event


Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 6:00:00 PM Company Kitchen 8500 Shawnee Mission Pkwy, Merriam, KS Click here for event


Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 6:00:00 PM The District Pour House & Kitchen 7122 Wornall Road, Kansas City, MO

This month we will be teaching Cynefin via Legos and playing X-Team Silos - getting in T-Shape.

The X-Team Silos game helps to highlight the difference when we allow ourselves to conquer tasks outside of our expertise. We will play the game to jump start change and create a collaborative atmosphere.

The Cenefyn Lego game will help us explore four of the fie domains of Dave snowden's Cynefin Framework. We will go through four exercises using Legos to solve problems and work in a context designed to create a simple, complicated, complex, and chaotic system. Playing this game will show us how to figure out what is going on in the organizational structures and communication in the specific system we are working in.

Appetizers will be provided, sponsored by Blueshift Innovation!

Please RSVP if you're planning to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!

GALE KC's mission is to provide a safe place to learn about new tools to solve problems in knowledge work, and/or ways to teach agile and lean concepts.

Click here for event


Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 7:30:00 AM Eggct 5107 Main Street, Kansas City, MO

When you walk in the door, let them know you are with KC Roundtable and they should bring you to the table! 

Click here for event


Digital Summit Kansas City: A digital marketing gathering
July 26-27
Overland Park Convention Center

Digital Summit is where ideas and inspiration are born. Join your peers for a jam packed two days with digital marketing best practices, latest trends and strategy.
Use code SMCKC for $50 off any conference category PLUS register for our July breakfast and be entered to win a conference pass! 


June Happy Hour with Ça Va
June 20 | 5:30 p.m.
Join us on the Ça Va patio for happy hour on Tuesday, June 20 from 5:30 - 7 p.m. Your $10 ticket gets you a drink from a select menu including wine, cocktails and beer, as well as a variety of appetizers.


June Breakfast:
Strategy Behind Livestreaming with DEG
June 2 | 7:30 a.m.

Live is the buzzword on every social media marketers tongue right now - but how do you capitalize on the trend, meet your audience in the moment, and get executive buy-in to broadcast live?
Drawing from client experience, Jen Forrest, director of social media at DEG, will discuss how to plan for livestreaming from concept to creation, and give you real tools you can start using that day.
Special thank you to our official SMCKC breakfast sponsor Grand Street. We love you guys! 


June 12th, 2017 Meeting

June 12th, 2017 Meeting
This June we host Steen Rasmussen, CA, Patrick Bossman, IBM, and our own Kevin Harrison, Argus Health.
Here is our agenda for the June 12th meeting:
8:00 to 8:30 am Check in and continental breakfast
8:30 to 8:45 am IBM
IBM Announcements – Manas Dasgupta, IBM
8:45 to 10:00 am – Steen Rasmussen, CA
What’s hidden in the ARCHIVES – DB2’s answer to American Pickers?
10:00 to 10:15 am Break
10:15 to 11:30 am – Patrick Bossman
DB2 z DevOps and Cloud Provisioning
11:30 to 12:30 pm Lunch
New CA Technology Presentation (optional)
12:30 to 2:00 pm –  Patrick Bossman
Dynamic Plan Stability
2:00 to 2:15 pm Break
2:15 to 3:30 pm – Kevin Harrison, Argus Health
A DB2 technician's perspective on Spark, Machine Learning, and Data Lakes
3:30 to 3:35 pm Stefan Kolev, President
User Group Announcements

More Information:
Speaker Bios:
Steen Rasmussen is a Sr. Engineering Services Architect currently instrumental in the ongoing development and support of the CA Technologies DB2 tools. In 1985 Steen started as an IMS/DB2 DBA at a major insurance company in Denmark working with all aspects of DB2 - like tuning, application design and implementation, education of developers, backup and recovery planning and automation of housekeeping processes. During this job, Steen also served as a member of the planning committee for DB2 GUIDE SHARE Nordic Region. In 1995 Steen became a technical manager at PLATINUM Technology managing technical support and presales for the DB2 products.
Steen has been working with DB2 for z/OS Release 1.0 since 1985 and is always looking for new opportunities in the CA DB2 solutions which can help customers manage DB2 more efficiently. Besides from providing support to the teams in the field as well as internal groups at CA technologies working with DB2, Steen is also a frequent speaker at IDUG in North America, EMEA and Australia as well as local DB2 User Groups around the world. Since 2014 Steen has been an IBM Information Management Champion. Since 2013 Steen has been the CA liaison for IDUG NA.   

Patrick Bossman is a Senior Technical Staff Member for DB2 for z/OS Development. His current role is the lead architect for DevOps and cloud provisioning for DB2 for z/OS. This includes REST enablement of services to provision, configure, manage, and use DB2 for z/OS. Patrick also assists with the design of install, migration, 24x7 application availability, query optimization and performance tuning and tooling.

Kevin Harrison joined Argus in June of 2016 after 27 years as Certified Senior I/T Architect and DB2 Sr. Software Engineer at IBM, serving on the DB2 SWAT team a worldwide group of experts based at the IBM Silicon Valley Lab in San Jose. He has broad experience in application development, database management systems, architecture development, technical infrastructures, and system integration.  37 years of overall DB2 experience with a wide range of implementations and engagements with DB2 on large systems. He has served as a DB2 educator, DB2 Redbook author, DB2 user group liaison and speaker, led many DB2 design/implementation reviews, and DB2 performance and tuning engagements. He is certified in several disciplines in DB2 z/OS and currently is a member of the American Association of Enterprise Architects and Open Group Master IT Architects.  He is a customer designated member of the IBM Professional Certification Exam developers team where he contributes and authors certification exams for DB2 z/OS.
He is currently serving as an Executive IT Architect for Argus Health Systems, with responsibility for DB2 technical lifecycle management, DB2 product technical direction, integration of Argus POS with new technologies such as Spark and Machine Learning. At Argus he is working on new processes to improve DB2 resiliency, allow for faster and greater uptake of DB2 new function for faster adaptability,  and overall DB2 consultancy on a variety of issues.

What’s hidden in the ARCHIVES – DB2’s answer to American Pickers ? 
DB2 10 offered Temporal Tables to optimize, automate and streamline the ability to keep the history of a row’s life. DB2 11 adds a different dimension to this area – now it’s possible to have DB2 automate archiving data without the need for applications to activate triggers, execute reorg DISCARD processing or even maintain your own programs to achieve archiving.

Detailed abstract :   
The attendee will get a detailed overview of what’s needed in terms of DDL to enable data archiving automatically as well as the changes needed from the SQL/application view. There’s no perfect world (Utopia doesn’t exist) so we will also look into the limitations and restrictions when Archive tables are exploited in DB2 11 NFM. Next topic is to go over what needs to be considered in terms of backup and recovery as well as other DB2 utilities which are impacted.
The entire presentation will be done based on a real DB2 11 subsystem to see how all the moving parts work together.     

Bullet points :
1)      DDL changes to enable archive tables
2)      DML changes / add-on’s to facilitate Archive tables
3)      Restrictions, limitations and gotcha’s
4)      Utility considerations
5)      A case study using a real DB2 11 system – some ideas about implementation

DB2 z DevOps and Cloud Provisioning
Modern development organizations demand agility. Learn how incorporating DevOps practices and self-service provisioning, you can radically improve the productivity of developers and DBAs.

This presentation will show how a non-z skilled developer can self-service provision an application database environment, make a stateful schema change and have it instantly deployed, changing their sandbox development environment. If desired, DBA defined business rules and naming conventions can be enforced as part of the automated process. See how to efficiently perform DBA review and approval via automated generation of changed artifacts and deployment process delivered to the DBA when it's time for review. Learn how when the database schema change is integrated, developers with newly down-version environments can have changes automatically pushed, or be auto-notified with a link to upgrade their sandbox environment when they are ready.

Dynamic Plan Stability
Increase application availability by avoiding unexpected dynamic SQL performance regressions.
Query performance instability has been a key drawback of dynamic SQL. Learn how to use dynamic plan stability to stabilize query performance, and reduce CPU costs during workload transitions. This presentation walks through stabilizing an application, explaining stabilized queries, observing invalidation and re-stabilization, identifying and removing stale queries, and more.
A DB2 technician's perspective on Spark, Machine Learning, and Data Lakes 
New technologies in Big Data and Machine Learning that utilize DB2 databases present new challenges for traditional DBA and System programming staff. A whole new set of design thinking comes into play. Migration of DB2 data to "lakes" or using our own DB2 structures as part of a "lake" can challenge our known parameters around data consistency, availability, performance, and replication. How does all this stuff fit together?  How do we prepare our enterprise to accommodate this technology and how do we adapt?
And what are all these new terms and principles and how do we interact with Data Scientists?
This session will start with some basics and relate the experience of a long term DB2 technician and the challenges involved in an implementation of this technology. The viewpoint is from SPARK on z/OS with the ML component on x/86 Linux. But the thought process is all the same regardless of platform.

Member Fees
The membership fees for 2017 remain unchanged from 2016 and the breakdown is as follows:
2017 Fee Structure:
Annual Membership $180.00
Pay in Advance Single Event $ 55.00
Late Registration/Walk in Single Event $ 65.00

Please Note:  There are options to purchase annual memberships as well as individual meetings through the website.
Meeting Location
A reminder that our meetings are held at Kansas University -
Edwards Campus, Regnier Building at 127th and Quivira in Overland Park.
*** Please note this is the Regnier Building at KU-E, NOT the ***
*** Regnier Building at Johnson County Community College. ***
Kansas University - Edwards Campus
12600 Quivira Rd
Overland Park, KS 66213-2402
Maps and directions are available here:
The Regnier building is in the southeast corner of the complex, and you will find parking in front of that building off of 127th St. Our exact room will be posted on the information screen as you enter the building.
I hope to see you on June 12th!


June 7, 2017

  • Interface KC is July 13th, its FREE, and will be at the OP Convention Center: This year's free event is extra special because we have an opportunity to raise funds for our chapter when you sign up through this link:  We will have a table, volunteers welcome.

Please register for the next (ISC)² Kansas City Chapter Meeting and plan to attend the first Wednesday of the month-May 3rd!  Registering will help us plan accordingly for meeting space, chairs and refreshments.
Register Now at Eventbrite:
Monthly Meetings:
  • When: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 (The first Wednesday of every month)
  • Time: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
  • Where: Ruisch Auditorium at Black & Veatch 
  • Address: 11401 Lamar Ave., Overland Park, KS 66211 map
  • Format:  Round table, interactive discussion with security professionals from many different industries, tech companies and organizations, from upper management to operators who have many diverse experiences.  We invite knowledgeable and expert members and guests to facilitate and keep the discussion moving along and on-task.
Next Month Meeting Details:
  • Topic: Incident Response & Incident Management
  • Sponsor (food & drink):  SentinelOne
  • Facilitator:  Matt King 
Mr King is a career security professional with experience in environmental, geopolitical, national, physical, and cyber security. Currently, Matt is focused on understanding the impact of our growing reliance on technology and the ease with which disruptive forces are able to inject chaos.

Matt King has 10+ years of leading people and projects. He held a variety of positions during his time as an Army Officer including management positions in operations, logistics, and communications. Since transitioning from the military he has served as a Project Manager for Incident Management (“IM”), a Project Manager in the Payment Card Industry, and a Security Consultant with the IM team. In these roles, he served as the primary point of contact for both proactive and reactive engagements managing dozens of projects and thousands of consulting hours per quarter. Matt thrived on the cutting edge of the Information Security world and used his broad expertise to resolve problems including malware outbreaks, credit card and data breaches, Advanced Persistent Threat (“APT”) attacks, and the development of Information Security Programs.

Mr. King has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Environmental Engineering from the United States Military Academy at West Point. He is currently pursuing his MBA in International Business from the University of Kansas
Come prepared with your experiences, questions, and your security concerns that you wish to bring before a host of like-minded security professionals.

 Directions:  map
  1. Take exit 79 off of I-435 & Metcalf Ave. in Overland Park, KS.
  2. Go south on Metcalf College BLVD.
  3. Turn east (left) onto College Lamar Ave.
  4. Turn south (right) onto Lamar Ave.Black & Veatch will be a block down on the left (east).
  5. Find the front entrance to the south, right across from the Sprint Campus (off of 115th St.).
  6. Locate the front entrance-it looks like an atrium-it is glass with a grass roof.


The mission of (ISC)² Kansas City Chapter is to advance the Information Security Profession by leveraging our shared body of knowledge to better our communities, groom the next generation of security professionals by delivering solutions to real-world security problems and issues that our members face.



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