Monday, May 21, 2018 at 8:00:00 AM Bartle Hall Convention Center 301 W. 13th st., kansas city, MO

The Enactus United States National Exposition is dramatic, energy-filled events where teams showcase the collective impact of their community outreach efforts. Students present their projects and are evaluated by business leaders serving as judges who rank them on how successful they were at using business concepts to improve the quality of life and standard of living for those in need. The winners of these national competitions are then invited to compete at the prestigious Enactus World Cup.

PMI is a proud sponsor of Enactus. Members of local chapters, contribute their project management expertise to local Enactus events. PMI volunteers work closely with individual university teams to mentor students and their projects. Others judge student competitions and deliver project management workshops. PMI volunteers mentored, judged or trained more than 6,000 students through Enactus in 2016.

Location: Kansas City Convention Center

Dress: Business Professional

Commitment Date: Monday, May 21, 2018

Commitment Time: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm – entire timeframe to Judge / 8:00 – 3:00 flexible 1 hour time slots

Training, breakfast and lunch will be provided by Enactus.

Earn 8 PDUs

Think you may be interested in volunteering?

Here's some additional information to help you make the jump!

Don't have all day to help out? Volunteer at the PMI booth.

Earn 1 PDU per hour of volunteering.

To Register:

Create an account at:
For company: Choose "Project Management Institute"
For position: PMI Kansas City Mid-America Chapter Volunteer
If you do not want to put your personal address, use PMI GOC:
14 Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, PA 19073
Choose 2018 Enactus United States National Exposition Events – Kansas City, MO
To judge or help at the PMI booth: choose Opening Round on Monday May 21
Check "I am attending"
Be sure to indicate "Judge" or "Career Fair" if you want to help at the PMI Booth.
Scroll to bottom and click "Register"
Questions? Please contact

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