Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 7:00:00 PM Tannin Wine Bar & Kitchen 1526 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO

Open to anyone in the area who is interested in developing video games. In order to have a little structure, we'll try to do a couple things each week:

Introduce new members. What have you worked on, game related or not? What do you want to work on next?

Discuss this week's conversation starter. Some article, video or game that we can dig into a little.

Members can present any games they're working on, for feedback or just to brag.

Of course, it's all very informal. The main goal is interesting conversation(s) about our passion.

Looking forward to it!

Click here for event


Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 7:00:00 PM Kansas City Public Library: Plaza Branch (Large Meeting Room) 4801 Main St, Kansas City, MO

YouTube and WordPress in 2018

YouTube is the 2nd Largest Search Engine as well as being a Social Platform. How you can use it to drive visitors to your WordPress Website, promote your brand, and Create Video content. What you need to know in 2018.

Mary White

Mary White – Owner of a small design studio (MW for Designs) working for small business partners. An Adjunct and continuing education instructor at Johnson County Community College. Crazy artist and Dog/Puppy lover at wayside waifs.

About MW for Designs studio
• established in 2008 designing and developing WordPress website for small businesses
• creating collateral design materials to establish your brand
• teaching and passing along my knowledge to you about WordPress

Connect with Mary
• Website: mwfordesigns.com
• Twitter: @mw4designs
• Facebook: @mw4designs


Meetup Schedule

• Networking - Chat with other group members: 7pm
• Member introductions: 7:15pm
• Presentation: ~7:30pm
• Q&A: Immediately following presentation
• Chat and talk shop: Following Q&A, up until 9pm


Connect with WordPress KC

• Website - http://wordpresskc.com
• Newsletter - http://wordpresskc.com/newsletter
• Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/WordPressKC/
• Twitter - https://twitter.com/wordpresskc
• Instagram - http://instagram.com/wordpresskc

We'll be in the large meeting room. We get the room at 7pm. Click here for event


Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 6:30:00 PM BalancePoint 9201 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, MO

Doug Blauser will present Documenting Ruby on Rails

Items that will be covered:
- Yawn...Why I chose this topic?
- What To Include In Documentation?
- Ways To Automate Documentation
- Documentation Driven Development

Doors will open at 6:00 and the meeting will start at 6:30.

BalancePoint will be providing pizza and pop.

We now have Slack signup integrated into http://kcruby.org

Visit the Contact us section and join us in the KC Ruby Slack.

Click here for event


Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 6:00:00 PM Blvd Tavern 320 Southwest Boulevard, Kansas City,

Join us for monthly meetup where we practice coaching skills and tools, debrief challenges in a safe environment. We'll spend the first 30 minutes networking. The official "work" will start at 6:30. 

Downtown KC/Crossroads - Parking available across the street. Click here for event


Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 3:00:00 PM Lidia's Kansas City 101 W 22nd St., Kansas City, MO

Come at 3pm and enjoy networking with other IAM professionals

• Enjoy free food and drinks

• Settle in for speakers and discussion

Topics this month include:

Speaker: Jason Gzym

Title: Identity Analytics and Intelligence: Bridging the divide between security and compliance

Abstract: Discuss how the identity landscape is evolving to help further enable businesses to keep up with
access compliance mandates and risk
across a Hybrid IT ecosystem.

A big thank you to Saviynt for hosting this meetup!

Click here for event


Thursday, July 5, 2018 at 6:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop 5200 E. 45th St., Kansas City, MO

Every Thursday, the members of Hammerspace gather to socialize, network, and meet new members of the space. We welcome the community at large to come down during this time to explore the workshop, check out all of the tools, fabrication equipment and work space made available to HammerSpace members, and ask questions of our community of Hammerspace users.

There is a concession stand and kids playroom available, and the evening is always the origin point of new and amazing creative ideas.

Tours are led every 30 minutes for those curious about the tools and capabilities of the facility and staff. This is a free event, open to the public.

45th & Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd. Click here for event


Monday, July 2, 2018 at 6:00:00 PM Plexpod Crossroads 1712 Main St, Kansas City, mo

Interested in helping the Kansas City area? Great! Whether or not you know how to code, you can help by joining us to work on civic hacking to create a better Kansas City and surrounding cities. Bring projects, ideas, designs, laptops, data, and friends.

Meeting Format

6:00 - Social / Networking
6:15 - Kickoff and Introductions
6:25 - New Member Orientation and Hacking
8:00 - Wrap-up

First Mondays are "Pitch Nights," when we have a slot for new project pitches during kickoff; third Mondays are "Learn Nights," where we have community speakers on civic tech topics from 6:30-7:30pm.

Location: Plexpod Crossroads (formerly Think Big CoWorking).
Entrance in the alley on the West side of the building.

Please RSVP so that we know how many snacks & drinks to bring.

Civic Heroes of all types welcome! This event is for coders and non-coders alike -- as long as you're interested in making government more transparent and building interesting things for our city, you're more than welcome!

Bring a laptop: If you intend on getting some hands-on hacking done (it's ok if you can't but it definitely helps to have one).

If you have something you'd like to work on or are excited about, please let us know via the meetup or at the hack night itself. We are growing our initiative and the energy comes from the community.

Code for KC is a program of KC Digital Drive, a local non-profit whose mission is to make Kansas City a digital leader by developing civic capacity to adapt to technology change. We are the local affiliate in Code for America's Brigade network.

Connect with Us:

• Join our Code for KC email list (http://eepurl.com/7gbQP).

• Follow us on Twitter @CodeforKC (http://twitter.com/codeforkc) and @KCDigitalDrive (http://twitter.com/kcdigitaldrive).

Got questions? Email our Brigade Captain, Paul Barham: captain@codeforkc.org or codeforkc@kcdigitaldrive.org.

Code for KC has a Code of Conduct! Please always be respectful and help us keep our events welcoming, positive, productive environments for everyone. Code For KC presenters and participants are held to this anti-harassment policy (http://codeforkc.org/hackkc-code-of-conduct).

http://codeforkc.org/ Click here for event


Monday, July 9, 2018 at 6:00:00 PM Plexpod Crossroads 1712 Main St, Kansas City, mo

Interested in helping the Kansas City area? Great! Whether or not you know how to code, you can help by joining us to work on civic hacking to create a better Kansas City and surrounding cities. Bring projects, ideas, designs, laptops, data, and friends.

Meeting Format

6:00 - Social / Networking
6:15 - Kickoff and Introductions
6:25 - New Member Orientation and Hacking
8:00 - Wrap-up

First Mondays are "Pitch Nights," when we have a slot for new project pitches during kickoff; third Mondays are "Learn Nights," where we have community speakers on civic tech topics from 6:30-7:30pm.

Location: Plexpod Crossroads (formerly Think Big CoWorking).
Entrance in the alley on the West side of the building.

Please RSVP so that we know how many snacks & drinks to bring.

Civic Heroes of all types welcome! This event is for coders and non-coders alike -- as long as you're interested in making government more transparent and building interesting things for our city, you're more than welcome!

Bring a laptop: If you intend on getting some hands-on hacking done (it's ok if you can't but it definitely helps to have one).

If you have something you'd like to work on or are excited about, please let us know via the meetup or at the hack night itself. We are growing our initiative and the energy comes from the community.

Code for KC is a program of KC Digital Drive, a local non-profit whose mission is to make Kansas City a digital leader by developing civic capacity to adapt to technology change. We are the local affiliate in Code for America's Brigade network.

Connect with Us:

• Join our Code for KC email list (http://eepurl.com/7gbQP).

• Follow us on Twitter @CodeforKC (http://twitter.com/codeforkc) and @KCDigitalDrive (http://twitter.com/kcdigitaldrive).

Got questions? Email our Brigade Captain, Paul Barham: captain@codeforkc.org or codeforkc@kcdigitaldrive.org.

Code for KC has a Code of Conduct! Please always be respectful and help us keep our events welcoming, positive, productive environments for everyone. Code For KC presenters and participants are held to this anti-harassment policy (http://codeforkc.org/hackkc-code-of-conduct).

http://codeforkc.org/ Click here for event


Sunday, July 1, 2018 at 1:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop 5200 E. 45th St., Kansas City, MO

Everyone loves printing HUGE images on canvas! Create that special piece of decor for your home, or that unusual gift for your truly weird brother-in-law.

In this class we'll print the image of your choice on Canvas using the Large Format Printer then construct a Canvas Stretcher to mount it on. Student may want to bring their own Computer to the class and should be comfortable around Basic Woodworking Tools like drills, clamps, staple guns, and saws.

The cost of the class includes a 36 x 24 inch canvas print. If you would like to print something larger we are happy to accommodate you, but there will be a charge of $15 for each additional foot of canvas used.

In this two hour class we will cover:

● Selecting and preparing images to be printed

● Setting up the printer

● Printing your image

● Building a simple wood Canvas Stretcher in the Hammerspace Woodshop

● Mounting your Image on your Stretcher

If you are not a Hammerspace member, please arrive early so we can get you sorted out with a safety waiver and WiFi Password. We will be using woodworking tools and searching/downloading images online.

Suggested age range: 13-113 years old

45th & Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd. Click here for event


Sunday, July 1, 2018 at 12:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop 5200 E. 45th St., Kansas City, MO

Celebrate the 4th of July and build your own pneumatic launch station to send paper rockets soaring hundreds of feet!

The launch station uses an electric valve and pressurized air to launch rockets as high as you choose.

The Mission Control box contains a safety toggle switch, ARM indicator and launch button and provides wired control of the launch platform. This launch platform is built around your very own AC powered 3 gallon air compressor with gauges and regulator for adjusting launch height.

Once filled, the 3 gallon tank can provide many launches before being recharged in about 1 minute from any outlet. Connect an extension cord for unlimited launching!

The paper rockets are easy to make and nearly free if you use junk mail! Launch them many times, as a safe and cheap replacement for fireworks.

Paint and personalize your launch station with decals and you will be the envy of every park outing!

Ok, this class is slightly more expensive than most of our youth classes, but we promise you are going to love this gadget for years to come. This has been a hit at every outdoor event with children for the past 8 years. Don't miss out on this annual build.

Emanuel Cleaver Blvd & 45th Street Click here for event


Join us at INTERFACE Kansas City 2018 - July 12th 8:30

ISSA Kansas City invites you to attend a CPE-accredited educational conference for IT professionals focusing on the latest developments in this constantly changing information technology environment. As a key-influencer on the evaluation of IT solutions, INTERFACE was developed for you.

Complimentary Benefits are Educational Sessions, Food and Beverage and Prize giveaways!

Help spread the word!
•Share this eVite with your colleagues
•Check our website for the latest seminar schedule updates and plan your day

ISSA KC officers


Sunday, July 8, 2018 at 1:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop 5200 E. 45th St., Kansas City, MO

You've always wanted to learn, and now we're finally offering the the class! Learn how to use a
milling machine to carve your Three Dimensional designs into Wood. Make the Robots do
you're measuring and cutting for you!
In this class we'll be covering the tools and process used to go from a digital design to a solid
chair you can sit on!
We will be use Autodesk Fusion 360's CAM Tools, Mach3, and a 3-axis CNC Machine.
We'll start out in Fusion 360 on our laptops, then move into the workshop where we'll use one of
the Hammerspace CNC Machines to cut our designs out of Plywood!
At the end of the class, you'll have made your very own chair to take home!

In this four hour class we will cover:
● The Basics and Terminology of 3D Milling
● The Fusion 360 CAM Workspace
● Milling Strategies
● Selecting a Cutting Tool
● G-Code Post-processing and Export
● Running G-Code in Mach 3

You will need an understanding of Fusion 360 to get the most out of this class. If you are unfamiliar with the program, Please join our Intro to Fusion 360 Class on Saturday July 7th. Part of this class will be in our woodshop. You will need to wear appropriate clothes and closed toe shoes.

45th & Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd. Click here for event


Sunday, July 8, 2018 at 12:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop 5200 E. 45th St., Kansas City, MO

In this class we will learn the basic use of almost every major woodworking tool in the woodshop while building a useful piece of furniture for your workshop or home.

The painters bench is designed to be portable and sturdy. It is wide enough to use for painting tall walls, and low enough to be used by small children to reach kitchen counters and sinks without perching on a tiny stool.

We will learn about the table saw, band saw,chop saw, sabre saw, drill press, router table, hand drill and counter sink tool.

Click here for event


Saturday, June 30, 2018 at 3:00:00 PM Kansas City Power & Light District 1100 Walnut St Ste 3000, Kansas City,

Join us and get your witch on! Bar crawl tickets available here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/expecto-bar-crawl-kansas-city-tickets-41708451100?aff=efbevent

We'll announce the meeting place closer to the event, likely around the check-in area!

Feel free to dress up - we will be!

Need ideas?

will announce closer to event. Click here for event


Saturday, June 30, 2018 at 3:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop 5200 E. 45th St., Kansas City, MO

If you've ever wanted to get into 3D printing, but don't quite know how to get started, then this is the class for you! 3D Printing & Design class, going on every other Saturday at Hammerspace. Learn how to design objects to be printed, as well as how to operate a 3D printer. No prior knowledge required.

Be sure to bring your laptop so you can get set up to get started on designing your first 3D creation.

FYI: There are two ONI 3D printer available to members of HammerSpace Workshop.

45th & Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd. Click here for event


Saturday, June 30, 2018 at 1:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop 5200 E. 45th St., Kansas City, MO

Arduino is an inexpensive and easy-to-learn combination of software and hardware that lets
students, artist, tinkerers,and hobbyists, add intelligence to their projects.
In this class we'll be cover the basics of getting started with Arduino and guide you through
three introductory projects.

Students needs to bring their own Computer with them to this class.
We will be downloading and installing software used to program your Arduino.

In this Three Hour introductory class we will cover:
● What an Arduino is and what it is and what it does
● Downloading and Installing the Arduino Software on your computer
● How Arduino Programs are written, How they Run, and What to do when they don't work
● How to control a LED connected to the Arduino
● How to control a Hobby Servo connected to the Arduino
● How to Make the Arduino play a sound

Suggested age range: 10 and older

45th & Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd. Click here for event


Saturday, June 30, 2018 at 12:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop 5200 E. 45th St., Kansas City, MO

This a class designed for a parent and child to explore woodworking together and build -2- really neat table top catapults suitable for assaulting a lego fort or sand castle, or hurling delicious marshmallows at each other.

We will use the CNC router to cut the basic shapes, and the saws, sanders, and drill presses to finish the parts. Use dowel rods and screws to assemble the parts and adjust your rubber bands to prepare for battle.

I have one of these catapults that is well over 30 years old and still operates despite being left in the sandbox many, many times.

Click here for event


Saturday, June 30, 2018 at 11:00:00 AM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop 5200 E. 45th St., Kansas City, MO

This is a 3D Printer Build/Repair Clinic for those who need assistance building or repairing their 3D printer. Tom Newell, local inventor and distributor of ONI 3D printers will be walking you through the build or repair of your ONI 3D printer or any other brand of 3D printer you bring in with you. Spare parts for ONI printers will be on hand for sale during this clinic.

Take Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd. to 45th St. Click here for event



What we're about

We are building a Kansas City Community of like-minded technologists working on data-intensive/innovative applications and infrastructure. This group is for everyone who needs to Monitor their Applications and their related Infrastructure that is high-churn, ephemeral and exploding in Data ingestion.

Development and Monitoring of advanced technologies including Containers, Kubernetes, AWS, Azure, GCP, Cloud Functions, Spark, Mesosphere, Akka, Cassandra, Kafka, Jenkins, Elastic, MongoDB, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning, and DevOps. Make it insanely easy to Monitor these and similar world-changing technologies, in REAL-TIME.

Discussions on how to Monitor any of these data-intensive applications easily via a Hybrid Cloud: your DC’s (on bare metal or VM’s) and/or any public Cloud (AWS, Azure or Google).

Does this type of Community interest you? Please join us!


Event to be held at the following time, date, and location:
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM (CDT)
Kanza Hall
7300 West 119th Street
Overland Park, KS 66213

View Map

Rounded Rectangle: Attend Event
Share this event:
SECKC SPONSOR: https://www.rapid7.com/
6:00-6:30 - SecKC 101 - Welcome to SecKC & - SecKC Open Source Intel Briefing
6:45-7:15 - How to build a rogue GSM station for fun..and profit?
Sampson Chandler [@RustyShackleford]
How do you know if your cellphone is connected to your carriers network, or a rogue GSM? Learn how to build your own GSM BTS which can be used to create a private GSM network for GSM active tapping/interception/hijacking, how to identify if you are on a rogue GSM BTS, how law enforcement is using this technology, and why this technology needs to be improved.
7:30-8:00 - The Security of Internet-Connected Dongs
Katie Bratman and Shane Fonyi [@shanef]
As technology advances, more and more opportunities to interact with the digital world via the internet arises. Many people who use these devices, that are apart of the Internet of Things, do not often question the confidentiality or integrity of the devices they purchase. In a lot of cases, getting your internet-connected toaster compromised might only lead to burnt toast and minor scaring, but the same cannot be said for some other devices. Since the internet is for porn, it is only natural for devices to be created to support that philosophy. Our research into a couple of these devices, dubbed The Internet of Dongs, surfaced some interesting and scary results. Join us as we take a deep dive into the vast world of IoD and learn just how personal these devices can be. We will show just how simple it is to locate and compromise a bluetooth-connected device and how insecure your data could be. Although the subject matter is taboo, this talk with be mostly safe for work.
Share this event on Facebook and Twitter. We hope you can make it!Cheers,SECKC


(holidays are pushed out 1 week)
-->  July 11, 2018   <-- span="">
Register Here


  • INTERFACE - Kansas City
    • We need volunteers for this event (Derin will NOT be able to cover this event).  Please let us know if you would like to help tend our chapter table!
    • July 12, 2018 | Overland Park Convention Center | 8:30am – 4:45pm
    • Chapter Link: Http://www.interfacetour.com/evites/kcm/isc2-kcm.htm 
Register for the next (ISC)² Kansas City Chapter Meeting. Registering will help us plan accordingly for meeting space, chairs and refreshments.

Register Now at Eventbrite:  
Monthly Meetings:
  • WhenThe first Wednesday of every month (holidays are pushed out 1 week)
  • Time6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
  • Where: Ruisch Auditorium at Black & Veatch 
  • Address: 11401 Lamar Ave., Overland Park, KS 66211 map
  • Format:  Round table, interactive discussion with security professionals from many different industries, tech companies and organizations, from upper management to operators who have many diverse experiences.  We invite knowledgeable and expert members and guests to facilitate and keep the discussion moving along and on-task.

Next Chapter Meeting - July 11th 2018
  • TopicThe Shifting Sands of Data Security and Privacy Regulation – GDPR and Beyond.
  • Sponsor (food & drink):  
    • TEASER:  Lathrop and Gage will be sponsoring 30 head shots with a photographer!  More details soon!
  • Facilitator:  Ryan Weber, President &  Kara Lowe, Chief Operating Officer,http://www.kctechcouncil.com/about-us
More Info:
  • TOPIC:  KC Tech Specs: Three Opportunities to Grow KC’s Tech Industry
    • Tech is growing faster than any other industry in Kansas City, outpacing most of the Midwest. However, with more than 3,000 open tech jobs and only half the graduates with appropriate skills to fill them, it is important that we understand our current state and use data to cultivate growth
    • Kara is Chief Operating Officer of the KC Tech Council, a membership-based association serving as the regional advocate for Kansas City’s tech industry. Kara’s role is focused on organizational growth through investor development, strategic partnerships and marketing. She has more than a decade of experience leading events, marketing, corporate sponsorships and public relations efforts for some of Kansas City's premier destinations, including the Country Club Plaza and Town Center Plaza/Crossing. She currently serves on the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology advisory board for KU Edwards Campus, the marketing committee for CCVI, and is a 2015 graduate of the KC Chamber's Centurions Leadership Program. An Overland Park native, Kara is a graduate of the University of Kansas, and lives in Leawood with her husband Pat and two children.
    • Ryan currently serves as President of the KC Tech Council, an industry association and regional advocate for Kansas City’s tech industry. He represents KC’s tech industry internationally as a board member and Co-Chair of the Technology Councils of North America (TECNA). Locally, he serves as a member of the Summit Technology Academy advisory board. Ryan is a graduate of the Centurions Leadership Program and was recently listed in the Kansas City Business Journal’s “Power 100,” a list of the most influential business leaders in the KC region.
Come prepared with your experiences, questions, and your security concerns that you wish to bring before a host of like-minded security professionals.

Directions:  map
  1. Take exit 79 off of I-435 & Metcalf Ave. in Overland Park, KS.
  2. Go south on Metcalf Ave.to College BLVD.
  3. Turn east (left) onto College BLVD.to Lamar Ave.
  4. Turn south (right) onto Lamar Ave.Black & Veatch will be a block down on the left (east).
  5. Find the front entrance to the south, right across from the Sprint Campus (off of 115th St.).
  6. Locate the front entrance-it looks like an atrium-it is glass with a grass roof.


Chair:  Mark Waugh (waugh.mark.r@gmail.com)
  • (ISC)² CISSP Study Group
  • (ISC)² CCSP Study Group
    • Facilitator: Derin Beechner (derinbeechner@gmail.com)
    • Meeting Details:  Monday (the Monday before chapter meeting & 3rd Monday) nights | 5:30 PM | Black & Veatch

Chair:  Kitty McCoy (sso@isc2kcchapter.org)
Assistant: Derin Beechner (derinbeechner@gmail.com)
  • WE NEED LEADERS!  We have big ideas and would like help dreaming and facilitating
  • WE NEED SPEAKERS!  Let us know if you would like to be added to the Chapter SSO speaker bank
  • We are looking to connect with organizations such as Cub/Boy/Girl Scouts, PTO, PTA, senior citizen and retirement communities, etc.  Please let us know if you think an organization would like to learn more about being safe and secure online.
  • More Info: https://sites.google.com/a/isc2kcchapter.org/chapter/safe-secure-online


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