to be held at the following time, date, and location:
Tuesday, July 10,
2018 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM (CDT)
7300 West 119th Street Overland Park, KS 66213 View Map |
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SECKC SPONSOR: https://www.rapid7.com/
6:00-6:30 - SecKC 101
- Welcome to SecKC & - SecKC Open Source Intel Briefing
6:45-7:15 - How to build a rogue GSM station
for fun..and profit?
Sampson Chandler [@RustyShackleford]
How do you know if your cellphone is connected to your
carriers network, or a rogue GSM? Learn how to build your own GSM BTS which
can be used to create a private GSM network for GSM active
tapping/interception/hijacking, how to identify if you are on a rogue GSM
BTS, how law enforcement is using this technology, and why this technology
needs to be improved.
7:30-8:00 - The
Security of Internet-Connected Dongs
Katie Bratman and Shane Fonyi [@shanef]
As technology advances, more and more opportunities to
interact with the digital world via the internet arises. Many people who use
these devices, that are apart of the Internet of Things, do not often
question the confidentiality or integrity of the devices they purchase. In a
lot of cases, getting your internet-connected toaster compromised might only
lead to burnt toast and minor scaring, but the same cannot be said for some
other devices. Since the internet is for porn, it is only natural for devices
to be created to support that philosophy. Our research into a couple of these
devices, dubbed The Internet of Dongs, surfaced some interesting and scary
results. Join us as we take a deep dive into the vast world of IoD and learn
just how personal these devices can be. We will show just how simple it is to
locate and compromise a bluetooth-connected device and how insecure your data
could be. Although the subject matter is taboo, this talk with be mostly safe
for work.
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