Tuesday, July 24, 2018 at 6:30:00 PM C2FO 2020 West 89th Street, Leawood, ks

Everybody knows how important testing is and yet many of us have projects without tests, commented out tests, or testing disabled. In a perfect world, we build our new project with tests and everything is great until we get asked to refactor the application and now have hundreds of broken tests. In addition, I may have implemented my project with NgRx and I have a whole new set of items to test; actions, reducers, and effects. Jest.js makes testing regular and NgRx projects a breeze. I'll show you how to install and start testing with Jest.js with zero configuration. We will dive into serializers to simplify the output and explore how to test simple functions as well as actions, reducers, and effects. I'll show you how easy it is to test your components and know that they will render exactly the way you expect. I'll also be showing you how your refactor with hundreds of broken tests can be fixed in a matter of minutes.

Jesse's Bio:
Jesse Sanders is the founder and CEO of BrieBug, a premier broker of technology solutions. He learned to code BASIC at 13 years old on his TRS80 Color Computer and started as a developer over 20 years ago on the Microsoft stack using VB4. He founded BrieBug in 2009 and has since built a team of talented developers dedicated to delivering cutting-edge enterprise solutions. He is an expert in JavaScript languages, including Angular and React. Jesse received his Google Developers Expert in Angular designation in 2018. He has been a guest speaker on Adventures in Angular and will be presenting three presentations at ng-conf 2018. When he isn't busy running a software business, he enjoys skiing and cycling in his home state of Colorado. His other hobbies include spending time with his three kids and their dog, Sparkle.
Twitter: JesseS_BrieBug

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