Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 7:00:00 PM Online event

Adobe XD is one of the highest-ranking tools in our group's "what would you like to learn?" survey. You've clearly indicated that it's either (a) very mysterious and you want to get your feet wet, or (b) an incredible tool that can help you with your daily work, and you need to learn some tips and tricks. Adobe says, "Adobe XD is the all-in-one UX/UI solution for designing websites, mobile apps, and more."

Wherever you fall on the spectrum, we've got you covered this month with a virtual live presentation by Julie Masalska, who's based in Denver. CO. Julia is a designer and educator, known for her entrepreneurial spirit and her willingness to share her knowledge in branding, packaging and the use of Adobe tools. Since 2018, she has been a guest and host on Adobe Live (www.be.net/live) working across the Adobe programs. In 2020 she became an XD instructor and is now bringing XD closer to the world. Besides her work with Adobe, Julia is hosting her own educational YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmuWU8GEBoRNun7hse03u1w?view_as=subscriber) and building an international design community on her Instagram page (https://www.instagram.com/justanothersunnygirl/). Julia is passionate about helping people transition careers and bringing them closer to design. She's graciously agreed to present to our group and we're so lucky to have her in the driver's seat for our May meeting!

Julia will help you get oriented as a beginner, or advance your skills if you're already working with XD. We'll talk about similarities between some of the tools in XD and their counterparts in InDesign and Illustrator. This is a live course, driven by your feedback -- we'll have some early polling questions in the Zoom meeting to determine everyone's appetite for different topics and she will teach based on those answers.

Our thanks to Paul Bunyar for connecting us with Julia! Our Zoom room can handle 100 people, so invite your friends!

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87365421062?pwd=aHZXZUMxNkR2SHoydDNzRnM1ZGxHdz09 Click here for event

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Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 6:30:00 PM Westport Coffee House

• What we'll do
Casual discussions about intersectional feminism over various topics. Conversations about how to succeed in life, work and relationships while advocating for yourself and empowering the women around you.

• What to bring
An open mind and willingness to share your experience, ask questions and potentially be vulnerable. If you have additional topics you'd like to discuss, please don't hesitate to reach out or bring them up in the course of conversation.

• Important to know
These conversations aren't about subscribing to a certain set of answers, but instead they're about having honest, organic discussions that help us do and be better every day.

Click here for event

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Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 6:00:00 PM Dragonfly Tea Zone

Bring a laptop or tablet with Linux running on it.

Click here for event

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Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 10:00:00 AM

IBM is offering their THINK conference for no-charge. This is a really good event to get info on up and coming technologies like Quantum.
Check it out and register if you are interested. Really cool stuff.

Register at: https://www.ibm.com/events/think/?lnk=ushpv18l1

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Saturday, May 9, 2020 at 10:00:00 AM

RSVPs open 10 days before the date of the event.

Come work on Python projects, get programming help, help others, and meet interesting people. We'll begin with brief introductions and an opportunity to talk about what we're each working on. We'll have members available to help beginning Python programmers with language basics and getting Python and related tools installed on their computers. We'll have plenty of time for more advanced topics, too.

Audience: Everyone! We'll have something for all Python experience levels.

What to bring: A laptop with WiFi and power cord.

Click here for event

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Monday, May 4, 2020 at 6:00:00 PM Online event

Register here for the Zoom link to kick off the meeting:

The Zoom link is the same week-to-week, but we ask you to register each week.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We are taking a hiatus from our in-person Hack Nights as we deal with the implications of COVID-19. We encourage teams to continue project work and to meet virtually from 6:00-8:00pm on Mondays. Our ability to provide pizza and snacks will be compromised, however :).

Individual teams will have access to video breakouts via Zoom. You can use Slack for breakout rooms if you like.

We are also exploring possible projects we could take on to help address this public health emergency. Please email codeforkc@kcdigitaldrive.org if you have any questions or are interested in working on immediate public health-related projects.

Aaron, Paul, and the rest of the Core Team

Interested in helping the Kansas City area? Great! Whether or not you know how to code, you can help by joining us to work on civic hacking to create a better Kansas City and surrounding cities. Bring projects, ideas, designs, laptops, data, and friends.

Meeting Format

6:00 - Kickoff and Introductions
6:15 - go into breakout rooms
8:00 - Wrap-up

"Pitch Nights," TBD when we have a slot for new project pitches during kickoff;

"Learn Nights," TBD where we have community speakers on civic tech topics from 6:30-7:30pm.

Please RSVP so that we know how many snacks & drinks to bring.

Civic Heroes of all types welcome! This event is for coders and non-coders alike -- as long as you're interested in making government more transparent and building interesting things for our city, you're more than welcome!

If you have something you'd like to work on or are excited about, please let us know via the meetup or at the hack night itself. We are growing our initiative and the energy comes from the community.

Code for KC is a program of KC Digital Drive, a local non-profit whose mission is to make Kansas City a digital leader by developing civic capacity to adapt to technology change. We are the local affiliate in Code for America's Brigade network.

Connect with Us:

• Join our Code for KC email list (http://eepurl.com/7gbQP).

• Follow us on Twitter @CodeforKC (http://twitter.com/codeforkc) and @KCDigitalDrive (http://twitter.com/kcdigitaldrive).

Got questions? Email our Brigade Captain, Paul Barham: captain@codeforkc.org or codeforkc@kcdigitaldrive.org.

Code for KC has a Code of Conduct! Please always be respectful and help us keep our events welcoming, positive, productive environments for everyone. Code For KC presenters and participants are held to this anti-harassment policy (http://codeforkc.org/hackkc-code-of-conduct).

https://zoom.us/meeting/register/v5UvcuyvqzIulpe8veX16wViF9D-DesChw Click here for event

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Friday, May 1, 2020 at 9:00:00 AM

Go beyond the code, advance towards responsible and trustworthy AI. Begins March 27, 2020 and ends May 1, 2020. This is a free on-line webinar that can be accessed at any time.


Take our free masterclass and then apply your new skills in the online Hackathon. Come learn new open-source and IBM data science tools like AIX360 and Lale. As well as, how to explain your model to any stakeholder and how to integrate explainable workflows.

Quickly learn new data science concepts with this free 90-minute micro-course.

Apply these new concepts by creating your own project to showcase and compete for the $8,000 prizepool and an IBM skill badge.

Connect 1:1 with IBM data science experts for help and guidance on your project.

All Data Scientists, AI & ML Devs and Engineers, Startups and Enterprise

Explainability is the ability for data scientists to produce applicable results for their peers, managers, and end-users. Can your results be understood and applied by other data scientists and stakeholders? It is up to you as a data scientist to use your business knowledge, mathematical, and programmatic skills to communicate your findings and methods. Explainability is an important tool used to make your reasoning behind each decision transparent and repeatable.

In this course, learn the importance of building an explainability workflow and how to implement these practices from the beginning. Then, using your new skills and tools, apply what you have learned by submitting your own project. Each submission for the hackathon will have a chance at cash prizes during the 6-week competition.


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Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 1:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop

Join us for and open-ended Sunday of building fun and interesting DIY Electronics Kits.

We have scoured the dark corners of the internet to bring you this selection of kits curated for makes of all ages and skill levels!

Are you a Beginner who is excited to learn the basics? We've got a basic kits that are easy to build and a blast to use! Do you know what your doing but are eager for practice? Come build one of our larger multi-part kits! Are you a soldering god who's looking for a challenge?! Then try your hand at building one of our Surface Mount Soldering Kits!

We meet in the Hammerspace Classroom starting at 1:00pm. You pick the kit you'd like to build from our selection, and our instructors will provide all the instruction, guidance, and assembly hints you need!

---Bring food and drink if you'd like, or even order takeout while you build.---

Young assistants are welcomed and encouraged!

No RSVP is required for MEMBERS of Hammerspace. $5 RSVP for non members, Kit prices vary from $15 to $45 depending on complexity. Cash and Cards accepted during the class.

Click here for event

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Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 7:00:00 PM Denny's Restaurant


Open to anyone in the area who is interested in developing video games. In order to have a little structure, we'll try to do a couple things each week:

Introduce new members. What have you worked on, game related or not? What do you want to work on next?

Discuss this week's conversation starter. Some article, video or game that we can dig into a little.

Members can present any games they're working on, for feedback or just to brag.

Of course, it's all very informal. The main goal is interesting conversation(s) about our passion.

Looking forward to it!

https://discord.gg/wmFHB7y Click here for event

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Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 7:00:00 PM Online event

** Please RSVP on EventBrite to receive an email with your customized webinar link: https://bit.ly/2QMMm4s**

Thinking about a career in tech but not sure where to start? Considering a career change but not sure how to make it happen?

In this talk, we'll cover the different ways you can break into tech and outline the pros and cons of all the options within the local tech community. Then we'll dive into the job opportunities available, from positions you've heard of such as front-end developer, to ones that are new to the scene, such as developer evangelist.

How to join us: Once you register with Eventbrite, you will receive an email with the links to the live webinar from BigMarker. We recommend RSVPing even if you cannot attend the event live because you will receive an email after the webinar has completed with the replay link. If you do not receive your link, please email ivy@thinkful.com.

Click here for event

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Data Platform Discovery Day is a one-day virtual conference intended for folks looking to make a career change or data platform beginners wishing to expand their skill sets into areas beyond the one in which they work currently. It is a grassroots, community-driven day where well-regarded speakers will be presenting introductory, 100-level sessions on topics across the Microsoft Data Platform. Whether your interest lies in database performance, data visualization, or data development we intend to have material across the spectrum that helps you expand your burgeoning skill sets or introduces you to your new career in data for the first time. Day 1, US-Time Zone.




Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 6:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop

Every Thursday, the members of Hammerspace gather to socialize, network, and meet new members of the space. We welcome the community at large to come down during this time to explore the workshop, check out all of the tools, fabrication equipment and work space made available to HammerSpace members, and ask questions of our community of Hammerspace users.

There is plenty of off-street parking, a kids playroom available for tiny makers, and the evening is always the origin point of new and amazing creative ideas.

Tours are led every 30 minutes for those curious about the tools and capabilities of the facility and staff. This is a free event, open to the public.

45th & Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd. Click here for event

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Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 3:00:00 PM Online event

Join us for an interactive discussion between leaders and community members on today's most relevant topics impacting people, organizations, and industries across the globe. We welcome an exclusive panel of industry and domain experts who will provide insight into how they are approaching these topics and also help address your most pressing questions.

Join us on April 30th @4pm ET:

Episode #2 Marketing during COVID-19

This week, we will be discussing the state of Marketing during the current COVID-19 pandemic. In such a volatile market and heightened sensitivity by consumers, what approach do you take with your marketing efforts? We want to address the question, do you pivot your strategy? What are the critical components of a marketing strategy during these times? What can we do today to improve our delivery and results in the future?

In addition, our panelists will address questions and suggestions submitted by our attendees during the session. We hope that this open dialogue will help us come together and take an interactive approach to addressing what our new reality is.

Your Hosts:
Dr. Karen Bartuch, MA | Chief Customer Officer at SipScience | TEDx Speaker
Tommy Bliven | Director of Marketing at Pandera | Co-Founder at TAB

Our Panelists:
Ari Goldsmith | VP of Marketing at KeHE
Steven Le | E-Commerce Manager at Bosch
Ivan Conteras | Adobe Analytics at Royal Caribbean
Manny Cabral | Director of Performance Analytics at Buntin Group
Brian O'Connor | director of Data Science at Pandera

About Community Connect:
Community Connect is not just about discussing what is impacting us today — it's about where we go from here and how we position ourselves for success in the future. It's about simply making progress together as individuals, as organizations, and as a community.

Community Connect is brought to you by:

TAB | Tech and Beer

https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UQb7-oQBQgGRiQ1B90F7cA Click here for event

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Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 10:00:00 AM

Must register in advance to attend the virtual conference:

Open Source Community Day is a virtual one-day conference for any developer focused on the latest technologies in open-source.

As open-source technologies continue to gain traction in today's world, the core value propositions around openness and transparency still hold true. Corporations around the world have discovered how to effectively monetize their investments in open source technologies and address some of their toughest scalability, reliability and technical requirements. It is clear that the adoption of open source technologies will continue to rapidly grow in the upcoming years, so join us to learn more about the latest trends in various open source projects.

Click here for event

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Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 6:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop

Every Thursday, the members of Hammerspace gather to socialize, network, and meet new members of the space. We welcome the community at large to come down during this time to explore the workshop, check out all of the tools, fabrication equipment and work space made available to HammerSpace members, and ask questions of our community of Hammerspace users.

There is plenty of off-street parking, a kids playroom available for tiny makers, and the evening is always the origin point of new and amazing creative ideas.

Tours are led every 30 minutes for those curious about the tools and capabilities of the facility and staff. This is a free event, open to the public.

45th & Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd. Click here for event

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Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 5:00:00 PM Virtual Meetup

Please register for this live virtual meetup: https://www.tibco.com/events/kafka-pulsar-mosquitto-oh-my

You are certainly not in Kansas anymore! With the rise in open source options for data distribution, stream processing, IoT, and messaging, what's a person to do when choosing the best solution for enterprise communications requirements?

What use cases best fit prominent open source options like Apache Kafka, and how can communications be facilitated between various cloud platforms?

The road might not be paved with bricks, but in our ever changing world, a solid communications nervous system is the key to unlocking data for analytics, stream processing, and event driven architectures. Open source is one of the many paths that you can follow, so let this session be your guide on an adventure into open source messaging.

Nelson Petracek, CTO, TIBCO Software Inc.
William McLane, Messaging Product Evangelist, TIBCO Software Inc

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Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 5:30:00 PM

Location and topic TBD

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Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 12:00:00 PM Online event

Does migrating content to a new website fill you with dread? Are you tired of wasting weeks manually entering articles into a CMS? Migrating content doesn't have to be a headache, join us as we discuss best practices to easy your migration woes.

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Friday, May 1, 2020 at 9:00:00 AM

Go beyond the code, advance towards responsible and trustworthy AI. Begins March 27, 2020 and ends May 1, 2020. This is a free on-line webinar that can be accessed at any time.


Take our free masterclass and then apply your new skills in the online Hackathon. Come learn new open-source and IBM data science tools like AIX360 and Lale. As well as, how to explain your model to any stakeholder and how to integrate explainable workflows.

Quickly learn new data science concepts with this free 90-minute micro-course.

Apply these new concepts by creating your own project to showcase and compete for the $8,000 prizepool and an IBM skill badge.

Connect 1:1 with IBM data science experts for help and guidance on your project.

All Data Scientists, AI & ML Devs and Engineers, Startups and Enterprise

Explainability is the ability for data scientists to produce applicable results for their peers, managers, and end-users. Can your results be understood and applied by other data scientists and stakeholders? It is up to you as a data scientist to use your business knowledge, mathematical, and programmatic skills to communicate your findings and methods. Explainability is an important tool used to make your reasoning behind each decision transparent and repeatable.

In this course, learn the importance of building an explainability workflow and how to implement these practices from the beginning. Then, using your new skills and tools, apply what you have learned by submitting your own project. Each submission for the hackathon will have a chance at cash prizes during the 6-week competition.


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Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 8:00:00 PM Online event

** Please RSVP on EventBrite to receive an email with your customized webinar link: https: //bit.ly/2vPPg1f **

Are you looking for a better way to communicate your insights beyond charts in Excel or Powerpoint? Data analysts have all kinds of technologies at their disposal to draw insights out of their data. An essential tool to have in your kit is Tableau, a program used by companies of all sizes to visualize and analyze their data.

Join us for an interactive workshop as we explore the typical workflow of a data analyst and the role that Tableau plays within it. We'll get our hands on some actual Tableau examples, and you'll leave here having created several unique visualizations from scratch.

To get the most out of this workshop, make sure you have downloaded the free version of Tableau, called Tableau Public, available here: https://public.tableau.com/en-us/s/download

How to join us: Once you register with Eventbrite, you will receive an email with the links to the live webinar from BigMarker. We recommend RSVPing even if you cannot attend the event live because you will receive an email after the webinar has completed with the replay link. If you do not receive your link, please email ivy@thinkful.com.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 6:20:00 PM Online event

Hello Kafkateers!

In order to do our part to help flatten the curve of the spread of COVID-19, we are moving all of our meetups online for the time being. Please find the details to join this meetup below.

*Time below in US Central Standard Time - to find out when the event is in your timezone follow this link:

6:20pm-6:30pm (US Central Standard Time): Online Networking (feel free to BYOB!!)

6:30pm-7:15pm: Getting Down to Basics - Kafka 101, Kat Grigg, Senior Technical Acct. Mgr, Confluent

7:15pm-8:00 pm: Choose Your Own Topology, A Kafka Streams Adventure, Anna McDonald, Senior Technical Acct. Mgr, Confluent

8:00 pm-8:30 pm: Q&A and online networking

Joining our slack space is not instant, so ensure that you are in, in time for the event, follow the steps within this link before the day of the event if you can! https://launchpass.com/confluentcommunity
Speaker One:
Kat Grigg, Senior Technical Acct. Mgr, Confluent

Title of Talk:
Getting Down to Basics - Kafka 101

This presentation will cover the basics of Apache Kafka. Why would you use Kafka in your application? What is the overall architecture of Kafka? How does Kafka process messages and how does it store messages? How is data serialized? In this talk, I will be covering the basic internals of Kafka and how these components integrate together including brokers, topics, partitions, consumers and producers, replication, and Zookeeper. I will also talk about the types of problems people are providing solutions for with Kafka.
Speaker Two;
Anna McDonald, Senior Technical Acct. Mgr, Confluent

Title of Talk:
Choose Your Own Topology, A Kafka Streams Adventure

Designing the perfect Kafka Streams topology for your events can be a challenge -- How should you configure your input Kafka topics? Is your target topology stateless or does it have to be stateful? What keys should you use for partitioning data and how will that selection impact join, groupBy and other operations? How should you manage state store size in RocksDB? What processing semantics do you need? Should you use session or windowed operations? Those are just some of the questions that need to be answered when designing a new Kafka Streams topology. In this presentation I will discuss the information needed to make major design decisions in Kafka Streams along with the associated pitfalls. The resulting decision map will serve as a basic guide and help lead the way on your journey to find the perfect topology!


Online Meetup Etiquette:
•Please unmute yourself when you have a question.
•Please hold your questions until the end of the presentation or use the zoomchat!
•Please arrive on time as zoom meetings can become locked for many reasons (though if you get locked out a recording will be available, but you may have to wait a little while for it!

If you would like to speak or host our next event please let us know! community@confluent.io

https://confluent.zoom.us/j/95745015263?pwd=K1BDa05iTXBVRERjL3BhZXZJemRyZz09 Click here for event

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Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 6:00:00 PM Dragonfly Tea Zone

Bring a laptop or tablet with Linux running on it.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 6:00:00 PM Online event

Join us for our first ever virtual user group meeting.

Sponsored by KCDC

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88224274992?pwd=aXN4d2ZUOUNnVDY3TVJhWWVKTE1PUT09 Click here for event

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Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 6:00:00 PM

Just getting it on the calendar, topics and speakers will be added once we get closer to the meetup date.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 5:30:00 PM Online event

In a free interactive workshop, Claim Academy Founder Ola Ayeni will cover key skills to succeed in your new career and the tech job market

About this Event

The software and IT industry is hot and demand outnumbers the supply of software engineers. What does it take to transition into this booming industry, how can you prepare for a job offer, what should you expect after you get trained? Getting into junior or mid-level positions requires a special kind of preparation. People can code but many can not think like a developer or understand how to solve a problem.

In this free interactive workshop led by Claim Academy Founder, CEO and Career Master Teacher, Ola Ayeni, he'll cover the key skills that you must have in order to succeed in your new career and the job market.

We will cover -

- The 3 important keys to change your career successfully

- How to prepare and choose a training program that is right for you. All programs are not equal

- How to choose a coding language best suited to your personality and interest

- Why Online coding programs may not be in your best interest

- How to guarantee yourself a job by doing certain simple things

- Things you need to know to get hired as a developer

The session will help you:​

- Identify your new career change and what to do to make things happen - for example, are you most interested in a career as a Full Stack or backend or frontend developer ? What type of company would you like to work for ?Established corporation or a new start-up ?​ Do you want to just develop apps as a tech entrepreneur ?

Price: Always free!

To learn more about Claim Academy Software Engineering bootcamp and Cybersecurity, visit http://claimacademystl.com

Start learning now! Check out our prep options (we recommend the admission Prep bootcamp ) at https://claim-academy.teachable.com/p/introtojava

If you have specific questions regarding our Software Engineering Immersive, or want to speak with our a Career Adviser, please reach out to info@claimacademystl.com

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Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 5:30:00 PM Online event

Join us for monthly meetup where we practice coaching skills and tools, debrief challenges in a safe environment. We'll spend the first 30 minutes networking. The official "work" will start at 6:30.

https://zoom.us/j/5739434840 Click here for event

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Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 11:00:00 AM Online event

AI and healthcare are a natural team. By leveraging machine learning models and algorithms, healthcare organizations can better forecast and predict how to manage and mitigate adverse events, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Today, H2O.ai is committed to helping customers and researchers with many healthcare use cases, including COVID-19. But we also want to look to the future. What lessons can we take from COVID-19 and how do we move forward in healthcare once the imminent threat has subsided?

Join our next virtual meetup where we discuss how to best leverage AI and machine learning in healthcare. We will share several critical AI in healthcare use cases, including sepsis detection, ICU readmission, super-utilizer predictions and more.

Please register here: https://bit.ly/2VnYWdf


-Sri Ambati, CEO and Founder at H2O.ai
-Nicholas P. Jewell, Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
-Balaji Apparsamy, VP, Data & Analytics, Unum
-Niki Athanasiadou, Customer Data Scientist at H2O.ai
-David Engler, Senior Data Scientist & Director of Customer Success at H2O.ai
-Marios Michailidis, Kaggle Grandmaster & Research Data Scientist at H2O.ai

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Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 6:30:00 PM Westport Coffee House

• What we'll do
Casual discussions about intersectional feminism over various topics. Conversations about how to succeed in life, work and relationships while advocating for yourself and empowering the women around you.

• What to bring
An open mind and willingness to share your experience, ask questions and potentially be vulnerable. If you have additional topics you'd like to discuss, please don't hesitate to reach out or bring them up in the course of conversation.

• Important to know
These conversations aren't about subscribing to a certain set of answers, but instead they're about having honest, organic discussions that help us do and be better every day.

Click here for event

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Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 6:00:00 PM Dragonfly Tea Zone

Bring a laptop or tablet with Linux running on it.

Click here for event

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Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 10:00:00 AM

IBM is offering their THINK conference for no-charge. This is a really good event to get info on up and coming technologies like Quantum.
Check it out and register if you are interested. Really cool stuff.

Register at: https://www.ibm.com/events/think/?lnk=ushpv18l1

Click here for event

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Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 7:00:00 PM Denny's Restaurant


Open to anyone in the area who is interested in developing video games. In order to have a little structure, we'll try to do a couple things each week:

Introduce new members. What have you worked on, game related or not? What do you want to work on next?

Discuss this week's conversation starter. Some article, video or game that we can dig into a little.

Members can present any games they're working on, for feedback or just to brag.

Of course, it's all very informal. The main goal is interesting conversation(s) about our passion.

Looking forward to it!

https://discord.gg/wmFHB7y Click here for event

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Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 7:00:00 PM Online event

** Please RSVP on EventBrite to receive an email with your customized webinar link: https://bit.ly/2QMMm4s**

Thinking about a career in tech but not sure where to start? Considering a career change but not sure how to make it happen?

In this talk, we'll cover the different ways you can break into tech and outline the pros and cons of all the options within the local tech community. Then we'll dive into the job opportunities available, from positions you've heard of such as front-end developer, to ones that are new to the scene, such as developer evangelist.

How to join us: Once you register with Eventbrite, you will receive an email with the links to the live webinar from BigMarker. We recommend RSVPing even if you cannot attend the event live because you will receive an email after the webinar has completed with the replay link. If you do not receive your link, please email ivy@thinkful.com.

Click here for event

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Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 6:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop

Every Thursday, the members of Hammerspace gather to socialize, network, and meet new members of the space. We welcome the community at large to come down during this time to explore the workshop, check out all of the tools, fabrication equipment and work space made available to HammerSpace members, and ask questions of our community of Hammerspace users.

There is plenty of off-street parking, a kids playroom available for tiny makers, and the evening is always the origin point of new and amazing creative ideas.

Tours are led every 30 minutes for those curious about the tools and capabilities of the facility and staff. This is a free event, open to the public.

45th & Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd. Click here for event

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Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 10:00:00 AM

Must register in advance to attend the virtual conference:

Open Source Community Day is a virtual one-day conference for any developer focused on the latest technologies in open-source.

As open-source technologies continue to gain traction in today's world, the core value propositions around openness and transparency still hold true. Corporations around the world have discovered how to effectively monetize their investments in open source technologies and address some of their toughest scalability, reliability and technical requirements. It is clear that the adoption of open source technologies will continue to rapidly grow in the upcoming years, so join us to learn more about the latest trends in various open source projects.

Click here for event

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Monday, April 27, 2020 at 7:00:00 PM Johnson County Community College - Regnier Center, Room 270

Get started with email newsletters & email marketing with MailPoet presented by Travis Pflanz.

Grab a cocktail🍸, wine 🍷, beer🍺 or soda🥤! We'll start at 7pm with a bit of networking to catch-up with each other, followed by our presentation.

Travis will walk-through the basics of setting up MailPoet and how to start sending email newsletters, new blog post notifications and welcome email drip campaigns to your website's subscribers.

• Recommendation - Setup MailPoet on your website before the Meetup and follow along!
• The free MailPoet tier comes with 1000 email list subscribers - https://tips.searchcentered.com/mailpoet
• Get a lifetime deal with 5000 subscribers on an unlimited number of websites and unlimited email sending for only $49 on AppSumo - https://tips.searchcentered.com/appsumo-mailpoet (normally $55/month for 1 website)

• JOIN ZOOM meeting at 7pm on 4/27 - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85485499630?pwd=RHVkdWV2VFRPSVdrTmxydVlDcFE0QT09

Travis is the founder of Search Centered Digital Marketing. Search Centered puts SEO at the center of every type of marketing campaign they create manage and implement for clients of all sizes – from WordPress SEO services to SEO managed WordPress hosting

Travis has been an organizer of the WordPress KC Meetup since 2013 and an organizer of WordCamp KC since 2014.

When not SEOifying businesses online or creating WordPress websites, Travis can be found hiking through the woods while leading the pack at Kansas City Dog Club, training new Dog Socializer volunteers at Wayside Waifs, or helping run the pet food pantry at Spay & Neuter KC and serving as a member of their Advisory Council.

Website: https://searchcentered.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/searchcentered
Facebook: htps://facebook.com/searchcentered
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/travispflanz


• Website - http://wordpresskc.com
• Newsletter - http://wordpresskc.com/newsletter
• Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/WordPressKC/
• Twitter - https://twitter.com/wordpresskc
• Instagram - http://instagram.com/wordpresskc

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85485499630?pwd=RHVkdWV2VFRPSVdrTmxydVlDcFE0QT09 Click here for event

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