Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 12:30:00 PM Online event

** Please note, this meetup starts 30 minutes later than normal to accommodate the speaker.

Though GraphQL is not specific to React, it's a useful technology that plays well with React and is extremely popular - and still growing - in the React community.

This month we have a special guest from outside the KC area. Tanmai Gopal is the co-founder & CEO of He is a StackOverflow powered fullstack, polyglot developer whose areas of interest and work span react, GraphQL, nodejs, python, haskell, docker, postgres, kubernetes. He is passionate about making it easy to build things and is the instructor of India's largest MOOC with over 250,000 students.

• Title: Introduction to GraphQL: What is GraphQL and how its designed to improve your team's communication
• Abstract: In this talk, I will motivate how the process of API development and API integration is fraught with inefficiency that GraphQL was designed to streamline from the ground-up. In this unique introduction to GraphQL, we will cover the pros of GraphQL and its trade-offs. It is ideal for developers looking for a rapid introduction to the why, what and how of GraphQL. I was a GraphQL skeptic and this talk is inspired by my journey of understanding how GraphQL works, why it is such an important idea and what makes it better than things that came before it.

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