Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 5:30:00 PM Online event

"Organizational agility is a journey, not a destination. Yet many of us have been part of organizations that have "completed" a transformation or installed a framework and stopped. Where many of us get stuck is losing sight of the "why"; and instead do the rituals in hope for the big result.
In this discussion, Blake DeBray will share the story of Ad Astra's exploration with agility, from their start in installing fake Agile to where they are today. We hope that sharing this story will help others and reconnect to why we are on this journey in the first place."

Blake DeBray is an Agile Coach with Ad Astra and has over 15 years of experience in product development and consulting. He has participated in many roles, including Engineer, ScrumMaster, Agile Consultant and Agile Coach. He is an avid champion for continuous learning and organizational agility. Click here for event

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