Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 11:00:00 AM Online event

Join us for an interactive discussion between leaders and community members on today's most relevant topics impacting people, organizations, and industries across the globe. We welcome an exclusive panel of industry and domain experts who will provide insight into how they are approaching these topics and also help address your most pressing questions.

Episode #13 Product Innovation as a Competitive Differentiator
There is no question that every company is either a technology company today or needs to evolve to become one. Organizations are looking to set themselves apart from the competition and it can be difficult to do so.

For organizations to thrive they need to position their product, brand and value proposition in a unique way. Companies that succeed in the long-run are constantly reinventing their core products and business.

During our discussion, our panelist will cover these key topics.
-How vulnerable is your business sector to disruption?
-Why do customers buy innovative brands/products?
-Are consumers willing to pay for innovation?
-How do you create a culture of innovation?

In addition, our panelists will address questions by our attendees during the session.

Our Panelists:
-Steve Mahoney | Director of Product at (Looker) Google
-Damian Rochman | VP of Products at cloudfactory
-Nick Byrne | Marketing Director at Wright
-Jeff Coyle | Co-founder and Chief Product Officer at MarketMuse

Your Host:
Dhwani Rao | Solutions Consultant at Pandera

-Panelists introduction
-Panelists discussion
-Open Q & A with the audience Click here for event

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