Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 12:00:00 PM Online event

From prep to post-mortem learn the latest cloud incident response techniques. Join as as we cover building your cloud jump kits, supercharging your monitoring and alerting, and learn where to start when the (hopefully virtual) pager fires and it's time to get to containment and eradication.

This is an online event. We will update the event link prior to the event.

About Rich:

Rich is the CEO of Securosis, a security research and analysis firm, and the CISO of DisruptOps, a cloud security automation platform based on his research. He has over 25 years of security experience and currently specializes in cloud security and DevSecOps, having starting working hands-on in cloud nearly 10 years ago. He is also the principle course designer of the Cloud Security Alliance training class, primary author of the latest version of the CSA Security Guidance, and actively works on developing hands-on cloud security techniques. Prior to founding Securosis and DisruptOps, Rich was a Research Vice President at Gartner on the security team. Prior to his seven years at Gartner, Rich worked as an independent consultant, web application developer, software development manager at the University of Colorado, and systems and network administrator.

Rich is the Security Editor of TidBITS and a frequent contributor to industry publications. He is a frequent industry speaker at events including the RSA Security Conference, Black Hat, and DefCon, and has spoken on every continent except Antarctica (where he's happy to speak for free -- assuming travel is covered).

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