Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 7:00:00 PM Online event

Monthly meeting where a specific topic is presented, and an informal general discussion occurs after. Click here for event

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Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 11:00:00 AM Online event

Please register at the the below link to reserve your spot today (must be registered to attend):

Join us to know more about this new cool feature : jasperQL ! Since version 7.8 JasperReport Server introduces a JSON-based query language for defining queries used to access data through a Domain for your Studio reports. jasperQL provides more options to aggregate and sort data in Domain-based reports created in Studio.

What is Dr. Jaspersoft Office Hours?

Hosted by TIBCO integration and customer success experts, Dr. Jaspersoft Office Hours is a program from TIBCO aimed at helping new and advanced users. The feature sessions are monthly 30-minute live webinars to help users with extended topics, and unique analytics challenges.

Attendees are invited to participate in a live Q&A on the session's topic, or for questions outside of the feature topic, pose questions directly in the TIBCO Community "Answers" section and tag with #DrJaspersoft.

All feature sessions are published to the TIBCO Jaspersoft YouTube Channel. Subscribe to it and stay updated with new content!

Kamal Kumlien, Senior Customer Success Architect, TIBCO Software Inc.
Jake Brown, Senior Customer Success Architect, TIBCO Software Inc.

Click here for event

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Saturday, June 5, 2021 at 12:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop

This is a two day blacksmithing class, beginning at noon. Each session will be about 3 hours, depending on how much progress is made.

In this class we will be doing some basic ornamental blacksmithing to produce a portable medieval basket torch. We will be learning to make repeatable parts using the forge, anvils, tongs, hammers and various bending and shaping tools. We will be cheating a tiny bit and employing the MIG welder in the place of traditional hot rivets, and the angle grinders in the place of a foot powered grind stone. We will also be making a steel scrollwork sconce to hold your torch on a wall or post. You may also simply make your torch taller for use as a garden torch.

This real steel torch COULD be used with a source of fire, but this class includes a rechargable, battery operated simulated flame... with remote control. Like a wizard.

This is a BLACKSMITHING class, so wear closed toe shoes, and expect to work in a hot environment. Our masking rules are still in effect, so please wear a mask that you will be able to work in. We have broken this class into two days in order to make it less demanding and hot, but we are not in any hurry, and we can always take breaks as necessary.

Bring some water.

Click here for event

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Saturday, June 5, 2021 at 9:00:00 AM Brew Haha Coffeehouse

We will help you get to where you want to be. Whether that is finding a code bootcamp, prepping for a job interview, or leveling up your skills. We have experienced programmers looking to share our technical knowledge and access to our network.

Come join veterans and programmers for coffee at Brew Haha.

If you want to join us remotely, ping us on Slack.

Join Operation Code:

Slack (requires joining Operation Code):

Our GitHub:

We are in the back room. Click here for event

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Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 5:30:00 PM Online event

A sister Meetup group in Chicago is holding this event. We thought this meetup might be of interest to our membership (you are welcome to sign up for it here).

The Power of "Yes" or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Governance
(original Meetup page:)

Full data lifecycle projects hold tremendous potential for organizations to uncover new insights and drivers of revenue and profitability. Big Data has brought the promise of doing device data capture, data enrichment, data science, and analytics at scale to enterprises. This promise also comes with challenges for developers, admins, and consumers to continuously access new data and collaborate.

Full data lifecycle projects involve many underlying technologies like Nifi, Kafka, Spark, HBase, Hive, Impala, etc.. How do IT professionals meet the demands of data consumers and decision makers? How do they make sure the right people can access everything they need?

In this meetup, join Greg Bleers, a Sr. Solutions Engineer and Carolyn Duby, Lead Cyber Security SME and Principal Solutions Engineer - both of Cloudera - to learn how the attributes of a modern platform empowers teams to build end-to-end implementations using all data that's possible to acquire and support high value use cases for the business. We will show a demo of Data Visualization and the CDP SDX layer (powered by Apache Ranger and Apache Atlas) with the focus on reducing complex toolset chaining and governing access to data consumers and decision makers.

The demonstration will cover Data Visualization from a governance perspective. We will show how SDX helps teams manage the access to all the data that's possibly relevant and make it accessible to those who need it, when they need it. We will walk through the data catalog, security policies, and data lineage prior to building a dashboard.

This is still a tricky time for public gatherings, but Future of Data is committed to providing informative tech content & facilitating discussions in the streaming data space. Therefore, this will be an exclusively online event that will be held in the Central Daylight Time (CDT) zone. Click here for event

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Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 6:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop

WELDING FOR EVERYONE! In the Welding for Everyone class, the instructor will cover basic welding techniques. A variety of useful welding methods will be demonstrated and then repeated by the students. Open to beginners as well as those who have prior experience.

Please bring a long sleeved, preferably denim shirt with you to protect your arms (NO FLANNEL). The class will introduce you to ARC welding with flux-core wire feed (FCAW), MIG (GMAW) and STICK (SMAW) welding. For ages: 18-118 (All materials included) Seating is limited.

Mask policy is still in place for students at this class, please wear a mask.

45th & Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd. Click here for event

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Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 6:00:00 PM Online event

Join us to see if Coding is right for you, learn some new skills, and meet some new people! Brought to you by the Savvy Coders Boot Camp!
About this Event
Join a profession that has endless growth opportunities!

Sign up for our next FREE JavaScript class and learn more about JavaScript, full-stack web development, and careers in coding.

Whether you're young or old, a newbie, or an experienced veteran, learning new coding skills, like JavaScript, can make you more marketable and in-demand. By attending our FREE JavaScript class, you can see if coding is for you.

At Savvy Coders, a premier coding boot camp, we believe anyone with the right attitude and willingness to learn, can learn how to code. We have trained people from all walks of life, of all ages, all skill levels, and all backgrounds, how to code. Why not you?

All our classes are taught by industry professionals that work in software development, and they teach you exactly what you need to know to land a great job coding JavaScript as a full-stack software developer.

If you like what you learn at our free VIRTUAL class, you should consider our 12-week, immersive, accelerated evening coding classes. You can still keep your job, avoid taking on a huge financial burden and learn the coding skills that can give you a new, in-demand, and high-paying career. What do you have to lose? Give us an evening, and we'll help put you on a new path to success. Check out our Bootcamp here:

Presented by Savvy Coders Click here for event

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Friday, June 4, 2021 at 12:00:00 PM

In the spirit of the Indianapolis 500, we at EDB wanted to continue the excitement with our own "Postgres 500" database race. We will use a standard benchmark kit to identify the best price-performance among cloud databases in real-time. Arm yourself with the knowledge and data to confidently select the best cloud option for your needs.

In this session you will learn:

+ Best practices in cloud selection (hint: it's not one-size-fits-all)
+ Financial best practices and ramifications from utilizing AWS and Azure clouds for database workloads
+ A methodology to properly size a cloud environment to maximize cost-efficiency


Click here for event

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Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 8:00:00 PM Online event

*** Please RSVP on Eventbrite to receive an email with your customized webinar link: ***

If you're curious about Technical Project Management, you've probably heard about the importance of mastering a project management software tool. They can be a powerful piece of your arsenal but can also seem a little overwhelming when you're first learning them. Join us in this interactive webinar as we unpack Asana — an incredibly versatile project management software tool for organizing all elements of a project.

You'll leave this webinar with a better understanding of technical project management philosophies, the most relevant things to know within a project management tool, and actual experience putting all of that knowledge together in an example Asana project.

Join us as we break down the specifics of each role, along with how to get the skills to be successful in them. We'll help you learn what questions to ask yourself to determine which is your ideal next career and discuss the range of jobs that will be available to you once you've acquired those skills.

What you will learn:

What is technical project management?
Project management philosophies like Agile
How to organize a technical project in Asana
And so much more...

How to join us: Once you register with Eventbrite, you will receive an email with the links to the live webinar from BigMarker. If you do not receive your link, please email

Click here for event

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Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 7:00:00 PM KC Farm School at Gibbs Road

Continuing our tradition of helping a local non-profit organization with our Photo Walk assets, we are joining together (in-person at last!) at the KC Farm School at Gibbs Road in KCK. There are 3 acres of working farm and 11 acres of future farm to wander outdoors and take fabulous photos. We will follow whatever health guidance is in place in June.

KC Farm School at Gibbs Road is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization empowering individuals through on-farm, hands-on experiences and vocational education connecting them to the land and soil, food, themselves and their communities. At the center of its community,
the farm generates an inspiring environment transforming the individual and society through community-wide, multi-generational, participatory, and collaborative food projects while it provides job training opportunities, healing and fun.

We will gather at 7:00 at the Farm to shoot the best images we can to illustrate the growth and community that the KC Farm School embodies.

After the photowalk we will post our best images to a website. KC Farm School will select the prize-winning photo. The photos become available to the Farm to use as they see fit in their marketing and promotion (with the provision that our members can use their own photos in their portfolios).

Don't forget we will draw for the Creative Cloud annual subscription in the raffle drawing and you must be present to win!

See you Tuesday night, June 1, at 7:00 pm!
Jim and Joanna

Click here for event

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Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 6:30:00 PM Online event

• What we'll do
Discussions about intersectional feminism over various topics. Conversations about how to succeed in life, work and relationships while advocating for yourself and empowering the women around you.

• What to bring
An open mind and willingness to share your experience, ask questions and potentially be vulnerable. If you have additional topics you'd like to discuss, please don't hesitate to reach out or bring them up in the course of conversation.

• Important to know
These conversations aren't about subscribing to a certain set of answers, but instead they're about having honest, organic discussions that help us do and be better every day.

Click here for event

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Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 4:00:00 PM Online event

Hello again, facilitators! Join us for Design Sprint KC's third meetup, in which we'll take a look at a case study and then talk about what we didn't chat about last time (the discussion was just to good to cut short!): hybrid workshops.

• How do they work?
• What's the opportunity?
• What can go wrong?
• Is it the future of business?

Come ready to learn from each other, ask questions, and walk away with tangible ideas to try out at your next meeting, class, education session, workshop, or group discussion. Click here for event

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Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 7:00:00 PM Online event


Open to anyone in the area who is interested in developing video games. In order to have a little structure, we'll try to do a couple things each week:

Introduce new members. What have you worked on, game related or not? What do you want to work on next?

Discuss this week's conversation starter. Some article, video or game that we can dig into a little.

Members can present any games they're working on, for feedback or just to brag.

Of course, it's all very informal. The main goal is interesting conversation(s) about our passion.

Looking forward to it! Click here for event

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Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 5:30:00 PM Online event

Join us for monthly meetup where we practice professional and team coaching skills and tools, debrief challenges in a safe environment. We'll spend the first 30 minutes networking.

Click here for event

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Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 12:00:00 PM Online event

Please register at the the below link to reserve your spot today (must be registered to attend):

#1 in the 3 part series on the Project AIR framework.

Project AIR by TIBCO LABS™

With the Project AIR framework, you can process derived data from any IoT device farm anywhere and store it to analyze and address a large number of analytical use cases. The framework extends any layer of its architecture as needed. Connect your IoT device farm and take action using the TIBCOⓇ Connected Intelligence Cloud.

Join this first session to learn how to:

- Use Project AIR from TIBCO LABS to build a data pipeline within your edge environment
- Transport data to any location needed and specify business rules needed to determine how to respond to specific events

Jesús Centeno, Chief of Staff & Innovation Strategy OOCTO, TIBCO Software Inc.
Marcelo Gallardo, Senior Solutions Architect - OOCTO, TIBCO Software Inc.

Click here for event

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Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 6:00:00 PM The NEW HammerSpace Community Workshop

Well, we made it folks. All of our staff and instructors have been vaccinated by now and so we will be resuming classes and other group activities (at slightly reduced maximum attendees) beginning in June.

Our regular weekly open house will not be resuming. Instead we will be hosting a MEMBERS ONLY social event on the first Thursday of each month going forward. Come in and catch up with other members of the space, and check out the new improvements! As is traditional, feel free to bring a snack or extra beverages to share with new friends and old friends alike.

All spaces will be re-opened on this date, but mask use will still be required for an unknown duration. Eating and drinking should still be done on the patio.

Tours will now be provided EVERY DAY on a call ahead basis, so there is no need to wait for an open house.

45th & Emanuel Cleaver II Blvd. Click here for event

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Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 10:00:00 AM Online event

🌍 This is a Kong Network event

In this workshop, you'll learn about Kong for Kubernetes, a fully native Kubernetes Ingress Controller for enhanced API management. Kong for Kubernetes can manage ingress traffic and impose policies for you. You can configure all of Kong using Custom Resources Definitions (CRDs) with Kong for Kubernetes.

Kubernetes is the de-facto platform for container orchestration. To expose services outside of the cluster, Kubernetes requires Ingress resources to be defined. When services are exposed outside the cluster, they should be protected and secured. Requirements such as authentication, observability of the traffic, auditing, encryption, integrations with other solutions become critical for Ingress management.

Kong is a next-generation Service Control Platform that provides policy, health checking, load balancing and more to services running in and outside Kubernetes. In Kubernetes, Kong provides a world-class ingress management platform that can be managed using native tooling (i.e. kubectl, manifests, CRDs, helm, etc.) to manage Ingress traffic and apply policies to address the challenges of ingress management.

📚 Learn
In this workshop, you will learn how the Kong Ingress Controller can easily manage ingress traffic and policies for services in a native Kubernetes way. In particular, you will perform:

- Set up a Kubernetes Cluster
- Deploy the Kong Ingress Controller
- Deploy a sample Echo Service
- Expose, Secure and Protect the Service with Kong

The Kong Ingress Controller consists of a Kubernetes Ingress, the powerful Kong gateway and CRDs to deliver all of the benefits of Kong and ingress management, natively in Kubernetes.

⏱ Agenda
- Welcome & introductions
- Overview of Ingress management in Kubernetes
- Connectivity Test
- Hands-on labs
- Questions & Close

😎 Speaker: Ned Harris, Solutions Engineer at Kong

👋 Interact
The workshops are designed to be an interactive, hands-on experience. Please turn on cameras & mics.


Click here for event

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Monday, May 31, 2021 at 6:00:00 PM Online event

Register here for the Zoom link to kick off the meeting:

The Zoom link is the same week-to-week, but we ask you to register each week.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We are taking a hiatus from our in-person Hack Nights as we deal with the implications of COVID-19. We encourage teams to continue project work and to meet virtually from 6:00-8:00pm on Mondays. Our ability to provide pizza and snacks will be compromised, however :).

Individual teams will have access to video breakouts via Zoom. You can use Slack for breakout rooms if you like.

We are also exploring possible projects we could take on to help address this public health emergency. Please email if you have any questions or are interested in working on immediate public health-related projects.

Aaron, Paul, and the rest of the Core Team

Interested in helping the Kansas City area? Great! Whether or not you know how to code, you can help by joining us to work on civic hacking to create a better Kansas City and surrounding cities. Bring projects, ideas, designs, laptops, data, and friends.

Meeting Format

6:00 - Kickoff and Introductions
6:15 - go into breakout rooms
8:00 - Wrap-up

"Pitch Nights," TBD when we have a slot for new project pitches during kickoff;

"Learn Nights," TBD where we have community speakers on civic tech topics from 6:30-7:30pm.

Please RSVP so that we know how many snacks & drinks to bring.

Civic Heroes of all types welcome! This event is for coders and non-coders alike -- as long as you're interested in making government more transparent and building interesting things for our city, you're more than welcome!

If you have something you'd like to work on or are excited about, please let us know via the meetup or at the hack night itself. We are growing our initiative and the energy comes from the community.

Code for KC is a program of KC Digital Drive, a local non-profit whose mission is to make Kansas City a digital leader by developing civic capacity to adapt to technology change. We are the local affiliate in Code for America's Brigade network.

Connect with Us:

• Join our Code for KC email list (

• Follow us on Twitter @CodeforKC ( and @KCDigitalDrive (

Got questions? Email our Brigade Captain, Paul Barham: or

Code for KC has a Code of Conduct! Please always be respectful and help us keep our events welcoming, positive, productive environments for everyone. Code For KC presenters and participants are held to this anti-harassment policy ( Click here for event

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Monday, June 7, 2021 at 7:00:00 PM Online event

*** Please RSVP on Eventbrite to receive an email with your customized webinar link: ***

UX case studies form the core content of a UX professional's portfolio. They are essential to getting you hired because case studies are a window to your professional practice — they show how you think, adapt, cooperate, and ultimately solve challenges. What does a good case study look like? And how should you build them to make your portfolio shine?

A great UX case study tells a story about you and like all the best stories, case studies benefit tremendously from a solid structure that guides the reader through your thinking and experience. Join us for this webinar as we discuss how to create impactful case studies with the right structure that will help your portfolio stand out from the rest.

What you will learn:

What is a Case Study?
How case studies are essential to your portfolio
Anatomy of the Case Study
The seven questions every case study should answer

How to join us: Once you register with Eventbrite, you will receive an email with the links to the live webinar from BigMarker. If you do not receive your link, please email

Click here for event

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Monday, June 7, 2021 at 6:00:00 PM Online event

Register here for the Zoom link to kick off the meeting:

The Zoom link is the same week-to-week, but we ask you to register each week.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We are taking a hiatus from our in-person Hack Nights as we deal with the implications of COVID-19. We encourage teams to continue project work and to meet virtually from 6:00-8:00pm on Mondays. Our ability to provide pizza and snacks will be compromised, however :).

Individual teams will have access to video breakouts via Zoom. You can use Slack for breakout rooms if you like.

We are also exploring possible projects we could take on to help address this public health emergency. Please email if you have any questions or are interested in working on immediate public health-related projects.

Aaron, Paul, and the rest of the Core Team

Interested in helping the Kansas City area? Great! Whether or not you know how to code, you can help by joining us to work on civic hacking to create a better Kansas City and surrounding cities. Bring projects, ideas, designs, laptops, data, and friends.

Meeting Format

6:00 - Kickoff and Introductions
6:15 - go into breakout rooms
8:00 - Wrap-up

"Pitch Nights," TBD when we have a slot for new project pitches during kickoff;

"Learn Nights," TBD where we have community speakers on civic tech topics from 6:30-7:30pm.

Please RSVP so that we know how many snacks & drinks to bring.

Civic Heroes of all types welcome! This event is for coders and non-coders alike -- as long as you're interested in making government more transparent and building interesting things for our city, you're more than welcome!

If you have something you'd like to work on or are excited about, please let us know via the meetup or at the hack night itself. We are growing our initiative and the energy comes from the community.

Code for KC is a program of KC Digital Drive, a local non-profit whose mission is to make Kansas City a digital leader by developing civic capacity to adapt to technology change. We are the local affiliate in Code for America's Brigade network.

Connect with Us:

• Join our Code for KC email list (

• Follow us on Twitter @CodeforKC ( and @KCDigitalDrive (

Got questions? Email our Brigade Captain, Paul Barham: or

Code for KC has a Code of Conduct! Please always be respectful and help us keep our events welcoming, positive, productive environments for everyone. Code For KC presenters and participants are held to this anti-harassment policy ( Click here for event

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Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 5:30:00 PM Online event

A sister Meetup group in Chicago is holding this event. We thought this meetup might be of interest to our membership (you are welcome to sign up for it here).

The Power of "Yes" or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love Governance
(original Meetup page:)

Full data lifecycle projects hold tremendous potential for organizations to uncover new insights and drivers of revenue and profitability. Big Data has brought the promise of doing device data capture, data enrichment, data science, and analytics at scale to enterprises. This promise also comes with challenges for developers, admins, and consumers to continuously access new data and collaborate.

Full data lifecycle projects involve many underlying technologies like Nifi, Kafka, Spark, HBase, Hive, Impala, etc.. How do IT professionals meet the demands of data consumers and decision makers? How do they make sure the right people can access everything they need?

In this meetup, join Greg Bleers, a Sr. Solutions Engineer and Carolyn Duby, Lead Cyber Security SME and Principal Solutions Engineer - both of Cloudera - to learn how the attributes of a modern platform empowers teams to build end-to-end implementations using all data that's possible to acquire and support high value use cases for the business. We will show a demo of Data Visualization and the CDP SDX layer (powered by Apache Ranger and Apache Atlas) with the focus on reducing complex toolset chaining and governing access to data consumers and decision makers.

The demonstration will cover Data Visualization from a governance perspective. We will show how SDX helps teams manage the access to all the data that's possibly relevant and make it accessible to those who need it, when they need it. We will walk through the data catalog, security policies, and data lineage prior to building a dashboard.

This is still a tricky time for public gatherings, but Future of Data is committed to providing informative tech content & facilitating discussions in the streaming data space. Therefore, this will be an exclusively online event that will be held in the Central Daylight Time (CDT) zone. Click here for event

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Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 12:00:00 PM Online event

Save money and time by learning how you can improve deployment and testing with Git pipelines! Click here for event

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Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 8:00:00 PM Online event

*** Please RSVP on Eventbrite to receive an email with your customized webinar link: ***

If you're curious about Technical Project Management, you've probably heard about the importance of mastering a project management software tool. They can be a powerful piece of your arsenal but can also seem a little overwhelming when you're first learning them. Join us in this interactive webinar as we unpack Asana — an incredibly versatile project management software tool for organizing all elements of a project.

You'll leave this webinar with a better understanding of technical project management philosophies, the most relevant things to know within a project management tool, and actual experience putting all of that knowledge together in an example Asana project.

Join us as we break down the specifics of each role, along with how to get the skills to be successful in them. We'll help you learn what questions to ask yourself to determine which is your ideal next career and discuss the range of jobs that will be available to you once you've acquired those skills.

What you will learn:

What is technical project management?
Project management philosophies like Agile
How to organize a technical project in Asana
And so much more...

How to join us: Once you register with Eventbrite, you will receive an email with the links to the live webinar from BigMarker. If you do not receive your link, please email

Click here for event

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Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 7:00:00 PM KC Farm School at Gibbs Road

Continuing our tradition of helping a local non-profit organization with our Photo Walk assets, we are joining together (in-person at last!) at the KC Farm School at Gibbs Road in KCK. There are 3 acres of working farm and 11 acres of future farm to wander outdoors and take fabulous photos. We will follow whatever health guidance is in place in June.

KC Farm School at Gibbs Road is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization empowering individuals through on-farm, hands-on experiences and vocational education connecting them to the land and soil, food, themselves and their communities. At the center of its community,
the farm generates an inspiring environment transforming the individual and society through community-wide, multi-generational, participatory, and collaborative food projects while it provides job training opportunities, healing and fun.

We will gather at 7:00 at the Farm to shoot the best images we can to illustrate the growth and community that the KC Farm School embodies.

After the photowalk we will post our best images to a website. KC Farm School will select the prize-winning photo. The photos become available to the Farm to use as they see fit in their marketing and promotion (with the provision that our members can use their own photos in their portfolios).

Don't forget we will draw for the Creative Cloud annual subscription in the raffle drawing and you must be present to win!

See you Tuesday night, June 1, at 7:00 pm!
Jim and Joanna

Click here for event

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 Fellow .NET Users,

Woohoo! It's time to celebrate the Omaha .NET User Group's 20th anniversary! We're sooo excited. We have a lot of great things happening at this meeting. Here's the rundown...

The founder of our group, Philip Wolfe, will be speaking on how the group got its start and how the .NET universe has changed in the past 20 years. We also have Scott Hanselman speaking on a topic of his choice. He's busy presenting at Build this week, so there should be a lot of great options coming out of that.

Finally, we have arranged to have not one, but two sponsors for this month's meeting making the giveaways even better! We'll be getting more details about this coming up.

Needless to say, you don't want to miss this event! Make sure you block of your calendar for June 3rd, starting at 6;00 PM. We'll be meeting virtually on Teams for this meeting, but when we get back together in person, we'll continue the celebration.

Get the latest details here:

Microsoft Teams
Teams Meeting

TEKsystems is an IT Services company with a national presence located in 110 different markets throughout the US. Every year TEKsystems partners with more than 6,000 clients. Every week, we speak with over 100,000 IT professionals about their key initiatives and career goals.

Our connections within the IT workforce provide us with a real-world pulse on what works, how to improve IT operations and how to assemble the best people to help your business achieve its goals. As an IT services company we leverage our unique perspective within our clients' organizations and our massive TEKsystems network to deliver proven IT services that not only work in theory but also where it matters most: in practice.

By assuming ownership for outcomes, our global IT services leverage our IT talent management expertise to extend the value of our client partnerships and deliver measurable business outcomes.,Kiewit

Kiewit Technology Group’s (KTG) mission is to deliver project schedule and cost certainty by employing technology designed by and for the construction industry. Our team deploys apps to the field that increase profitability by maximizing the way we use our people and resources in daily operations. KTG uses the Kiewit Management System (KMS), which includes systems and tools that manage every part of Kiewit’s business and lifecycle of a project, to improve planning and day-to-day execution in the field by giving our people real-time data to make faster, smarter decisions. Every day our employees make an impact on the efficiency of the iconic projects Kiewit builds and you can too.

Find your next career with Kiewit here:

Matt Ruwe
.NET User's Group Co-Leader

Brian Olson
.NET User's Group Co-Leader

Join our slack channel!



(ISC)Kansas City Chapter
Behavior-based Network Detection and Response 

 The network perimeter has disappeared as enterprise workloads move to the cloud. Emerging attack surfaces brought on by this adoption open the door for new attacks, which legacy security tools are ill-equipped to handle. As a result, SOC teams are leveraging modern behavior-based Network Detection and Response to hunt and stay ahead of attackers.
Join us virtually at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, June 2, 2021

5:30 - Welcome/Chapter Announcements

5:45 - Presentation/Open Discussion

6:30 - Wrap Up

6:45 - Meeting Closeout

Thanks to our Sponsor
Welcome Geoff Korrub

 Geoff Korrub currently serves as a Senior Security Engineer for Vectra where he drives the adoption of the Vectra Network Detection and Response platform in the Southwest region. He has over 25+ years in the tech industry with a background leading transformational IT security centric initiatives and has extensive experience directing the development of security first solutions and communicating messaging to the director, and CISO level executives. Geoff is a passionate security technician committed to helping customers tackle today’s most pressing security challenges.


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