Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 6:00:00 PM Moonshot Innovations LLC

IMPORTANT: attendance is limited, please only RSVP Yes if you will physically attend, and please update your RSVP if your ability to attend changes. We will look into options to provide some sort of remote feed (no promises) and if we do we will announce the link on the Slack channel.

Designing and Developing IoT Devices with C# and Meadow

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught me one key thing; I had more time for hobbies than I initially believed. However, most hobbies require you to learn all new things. For example, if you get into fitness, you must know about diet and exercise. When I got into woodworking last year, I learned all about wood types, tools, and first aid. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to use your current skill set to do something new?

Well, that is where the Meadow comes in, thanks to the team at Wilderness Labs. Meadow is a microcontroller with the ability to run .NET applications. Paired with the Meadow Foundation, an open-source set of libraries and drivers, you can now create your own physical solutions using sensors, motors, relays, power sources, and all sorts of fun things to solve problems.

Have a garden, and you want to test moisture content? Use the Meadow. Tired of talking to Alexa to do simple tasks and having her say, "I didn't understand?" Build a solution with the Meadow. Did your wife pick up beekeeping and promise you they do not sting you like in My Girl, but you really aren't sure you trust that, and now you must check the beehives… just me? Well, I am using the Meadow to help solve that problem… remotely.

In this session, we will check out what Meadow offers and look at what you need to get started. We will walk through simple designs and real-world solutions you can produce now, right from your desk.

Jeff Julian (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jjulian/)

Jeff Julian is a software consultant, author, entrepreneur, woodworker, marketer, videographer, photographer, and now a device designer in AgTech. He was the Co-Founder of Geekswithblogs.net with one of the club leaders, John Alexander, former Microsoft MVP in XML and SharePoint, former co-leader of this .NET User Group, and has been working on web applications since the mid-90s.

Sponsored by Moonshot Innovations (https://321moonshot.com/)
Tom Fraccascia (tomf@321moonshot.com)

Entrance and meeting space TBA Click here for event

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