Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 5:30:00 PM Online event

About the talk:

As Agilists, we've become familiar with measuring what matters, breaking work down into bite-size chunks, and holding space for psychological safety. This is all well and good, but what about our language? How do we coach teams through word choices and metaphors?

Enter Clean Language, a coaching and interviewing technique where we help teams develop their own symbols and metaphors, not imposing ours onto them. (In other words, it's about them, not us.) In this interactive session, Erin Randall will walk us through what Clean Language is, demonstrate how we pollute others' language and metaphors, and lead us through the practice of asking others clean, powerful questions.

Learning outcomes:

1. Identify what clean language is.

2. Learn how we pollute others' metaphors and language.

3. Practice applying clean-language techniques in asking clean,
powerful questions.

About the Presenter:

Erin is a longtime agile, coactive, and ORSC-trained coach with a deep passion for serving people, teams, and organizations. Through her work with her coaching and consulting practice, Ad Meliora Coaching, she helps her clients to transform the way that they work and how they accomplish more. Her goal in all that she does is simple: happy people doing great work.

Erin lives in Austin, Texas, and can often be found in bookstores, on hiking trails with her dogs, or at one of the Agile Coaching Circles (she's one of the co-founders). Connect with her on LinkedIn or experience coaching for yourself by booking a session at Click here for event

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