

Title:  Access Shortcuts

Presenter:   Susie Gilson


How many of these time-savers do you use? A look beyond Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V – except with Excel! Shortcuts for designing objects and for faster data entry. The quick access toolbar will also be discussed.


Bio:  Since the early 2000s, Susie has developed and used many database applications for her various roles with Girl Scouts. Susie also "fixes" the databases her husband brings home. She chides him on using outdated and complex Excel files and converts those to Access for him. Lately, she's been working with her daughter on developing an Access database for product testing. Susie has also been working on developing two databases for dear hubby to use to track metrics and also to make parts listings for projects easier. For some reason, neither daughter nor hubby pay her ...



Q&A Session:

Bring your Access questions for the group to answer, explore or brainstorm ideas.


Upcoming Meetings:

Please consider sharing a presentation with your fellow Access Users. 

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