Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 1:00:00 PM Online event
Join us for an Apache Kafka meetup on November 16th from 1 pm CDT. To find out when the event is in your timezone, follow this link:
The agenda and speaker information can be found below. Log in or Join our Slack or Forum (https://www.confluent.io/community/ask-the-community/) to ask any follow-up questions!
1:00 pm - 1:05 pm: Networking
1:05 pm - 1:50 pm: Viktor Gamov, Kong
1:50 pm - 2:00 pm: Q&A
Viktor Gamov, Principal Developer Advocate, Kong
Viktor Gamov is a Principal Developer Advocate at Kong, a cloud connectivity company. Viktor has comprehensive expertise in building distributed systems and cloud-native architectures using open source technologies. He enjoys helping architects and developers design and develop low latency, scalable, and highly available systems. He is a professional conference speaker on distributed systems, streaming data, JVM, and DevOps topics, and is regular on events including JavaOne, Devoxx, OSCON, QCon, and others. He co-authored O'Reilly's <-Enterprise Web Development.-> He blogs at gamov.io and co-hosts <-Crazy Russians in DevOps-> and <-DevRelRad.io-> podcasts. Follow Viktor on Twitter @gamussa, where he posts there about gym life, food, open-source, and, of course, Kong and Cloud!
Bootiful Stream Processing with Spring and Kafka
You were assigned to refactor your existing monolith, legacy system, or other to-be-deprecated code into a shiny new event-driven system. And let us assume that you want to use the Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Stream as your guiding architectural choices while you are in the process. These are not just cool things to use. They are robust tools for building modern microservice-based apps!
In this talk, Viktor Gamov live-code his way to a small, functioning Spring Boot microservice. Apache Kafka integrates the services, and Spring Kafka and Spring Cloud Streams as the API of choice. You will see how to use Spring and Kafka together, apply the opinionated design patterns, and avoid the antipatterns while building event-driven architectures and real-time stream processing systems. As a bonus, we will ship this microservice to production in Kubernetes using Spring Boot tools!
Don't forget to join our Forum and Community Slack Team! https://www.confluent.io/community/ask-the-community/
If you would like to speak or host our next event please let us know! community@confluent.io.
https://confluent.zoom.us/j/91301158423?pwd=YmorVUFpNFZYY2JwTkRqOEg1b0J1UT09 Click here for event
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