IT Infrastructure is constantly changing, bringing more new challenges with it every day. From ransomware and the latest security threats, to needs for increased bandwidth and storage, it’s nearly impossible to keep up-to-date. Our conference is designed to help. We’ve assembled a combination of Best-in-Breed hardware and software solutions, along with local experts and organizations to help educate, advise and connect you to resources that can help you meet your goals.

Covering Information Security, Infrastructure, Cloud, Disaster Recovery, Communications, and more, you’ll find presentations, panel discussions and exhibitors covering a variety of topics, as well as the latest innovations and best practices.




ISC2 Kansas City Chapter kitty.mccoy@isc2kcchapter.org via auth.ccsend.com 

6:00 AM (2 hours ago)
to me
(ISC)Kansas City Chapter
Welcome Back!
Our June 8th 2022 meeting is in person!


Join us as we welcome you back to (ISC)2 Kansas City Chapter

  • What's working and not working in cybersecurity?

  • How to determine when you should have a penetration test?

  • What is a quality penetration test?

  • What are the Legal implications of a penetration test?

  • Open Forum questions

Join us IN PERSON at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, June 8, 2022


  • 6:15-6:30pm – Sign-in

  • 6:30-6:45pm – Welcome and Announcements

  • 6:45-7:20pm – Food, Sponsor breakout, and social

  • 7:30-8:25pm – Panel discussion

  • 8:25-8:30pm – Closing comments
CISSP Study Group - Contact waugh.mark@gmail.com


We've got an exciting panel of penetration testers from several different companies in the Kansas City area who are ready to answer your pressing questions about security in today's new world.
6800 West 115th Street
Overland Park, KS. 66211

(ISC)2 Kansas City Chapter!



ISSA Greater Kansas City May 26th, 2022 Chapter Event ** Web Only
Thursday, May 26, 2022 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM CDT
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This is an online event.

Dear Rob,

Please join ISSA KC chapter members and other security professionals for a virtual meeting on May 26th.  
Edge Computing, 5G and Cyber Security
Topic abstract:
Edge computing is a critical capability for advanced 5G services and the industry is redefining its  architecture.  This new capability will be an attractive target for the adversaries.  It is important to know what the adversaries are doing today to build your defense in depth strategies for tomorrow.
Bio:  Todd Gibson,
Started with T-Mobile in 1999 and have held various IT, Engineering, and Cybersecurity positions.  Led the Wi-Fi HotSpot engineering team, developed T-Mobile's Corporate Wi-Fi Strategy, Next Generation Extranet Architecture, Microwave Transport Program, and the Secure 5G Program.  Partnering to make changes in 3GPP, GSMA, ETSI, ATIS, and other bodies to proactively change the 5G, Advanced 5G, and early 6G cybersecurity specifications globally. 
Industry Engagements:
  • FCC Communications, Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (CSRIC) VIII
  • Interim Co-Chair and Co-Rapporteur for Work Group 5 - Managing Software & Cloud Services Supply Chain Security for Communications Infrastructure
  • 5G Americas - 2020, 2021, and 2022 Security Whitepapers
  • 5G Security Industry Test Bed - Technical Advisory Council

Thursday, May 26th

Noon to 1:00pm

Location: Virtual/Zoom (Link in the registration email)




TitleThe Viability of MS Access

Presenter:   Jim Watkins, Jr.



We have looked at the viability of MS Access in the workplace several times in the past. I think it is time to look at that again.


Is MS Access still relevant in 2022? Is MS Access still a good development platform in 2022?


Should we use a free solution? …or open source? …or Cloud solution? …or codeless solution? …or turn-key software solution?



Jim Watkins is a senior developer for Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc. HCCS is a 31 year old Computer Consulting firm located in Overland Park, Kansas specializing in providing custom solutions to real world challenges for their clients.



Q&A Session:

Bring your Access questions for the group to answer, explore or brainstorm ideas.


Upcoming Meetings:

Please consider sharing a presentation with your fellow Access Users. 


06-15-22 On-line

07-20-22 On-line

08-17-22 On-line

09-21-22 On-line

10-19-22 On-line

11-16-22 On-line

12-21-22 On-line



ISSA Greater Kansas City May 26th, 2022 Chapter Event ** Web Only
Thursday, May 26, 2022 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM CDT
Add to Calendar

This is an online event.

Dear Rob,

Please join ISSA KC chapter members and other security professionals for a virtual meeting on May 26th.  
Edge Computing, 5G and Cyber Security
Topic abstract:
Edge computing is a critical capability for advanced 5G services and the industry is redefining its  architecture.  This new capability will be an attractive target for the adversaries.  It is important to know what the adversaries are doing today to build your defense in depth strategies for tomorrow.
Bio:  Todd Gibson,
Started with T-Mobile in 1999 and have held various IT, Engineering, and Cybersecurity positions.  Led the Wi-Fi HotSpot engineering team, developed T-Mobile's Corporate Wi-Fi Strategy, Next Generation Extranet Architecture, Microwave Transport Program, and the Secure 5G Program.  Partnering to make changes in 3GPP, GSMA, ETSI, ATIS, and other bodies to proactively change the 5G, Advanced 5G, and early 6G cybersecurity specifications globally. 
Industry Engagements:
  • FCC Communications, Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council (CSRIC) VIII
  • Interim Co-Chair and Co-Rapporteur for Work Group 5 - Managing Software & Cloud Services Supply Chain Security for Communications Infrastructure
  • 5G Americas - 2020, 2021, and 2022 Security Whitepapers
  • 5G Security Industry Test Bed - Technical Advisory Council

Thursday, May 26th

Noon to 1:00pm

Location: Virtual/Zoom (Link in the registration email)

Register Now!



Registration is now Open!

Greetings Rob, we are so excited to bring Nebraska.Code back for the second year in a row! Nebraska.Code is the biggest and best professional software development conference in the midwest and a cornerstone of the tech community in our area. We have sessions covering all aspects of software development including AI/ML, frontend development, software craftsmanship, cloud topics, .NET development, open source development, career development, and a track dedicated to Agile software development. 

If you purchase your tickets before 6/01/2022 and use the discount code EarlyBird at checkout you will receive $50 off your ticket purchase! 

  • Nebraska.Code() Ticket - $349
  • Workshop Only - $249
  • Nebraska.Code() + Workshop - $499
This year the number of tickets available could be affected by COVID restrictions so be sure to buy your ticket early.
Register Now

Schedule Announcement

Many aspects of our lives slowed down last year, but technology continued to march along at a speedy pace. New tools, libraries, and frameworks were introduced and we are here to bring you content on all of them! Our dedicated speaker community stayed busy creating sessions and they are champin' at the bit to get in front of real people again.  



Let’s get together

We’re hosting a new event, and we’d love to see you there. Join us for May 2022 SecKC, May 10, 2022 at 6:00 PM.

Register soon because space is limited.

We hope you’re able to join us!



Event Logo




(ISC)Kansas City Chapter
Maturity of IT Asset Management

 Proper management of IT assets has historically been challenging for many organizations and is among the most important to achieve to avoid cybersecurity incidents. Please join us as we explore and discuss:

  • Importance of IT asset management

  • Historical approaches of IT asset management

  • Growing challenges

  • New approaches to IT asset management

Join us virtually at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, May 11, 2021

5:30 - Welcome/Chapter Announcements

5:45 - Presentation/Open Discussion

6:30 - Wrap Up

6:45 - Meeting Closeout
CISSP Study Group - Contact waugh.mark@gmail.com

Welcome, Michelle Ellis -
Enterprise Account Executive

 Michelle Ellis is an Enterprise Account Manager for Axonius, based in Houston, Texas. A self-proclaimed “Security Nerd”, Michelle has 11 years of IT experience and has represented firms specializing in endpoint detection and response, threat intelligence, network security, forensics, and security services at companies such as CrowdStrike, Aruba, ResolutionOne and AccessData. When she isn’t helping her clients protect their most valuable assets, Michelle enjoys spending time with her family, watching Aggie football, helping others, and traveling to new places.

Thanks to our Sponsor


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