Title: Sending Email
Presenter: Jim Watkins, Jr.
This month, we will take another look at sending emails from Microsoft Access 365. We will address questions like these; What are some of the different methods of sending emails? Which can be used with VBA coding? Which methods support sending attachments? Where are sent emails stored to review at a later time?
We will discuss these items and more so please join us at our Access SIG and help us discover more about sending emails from Access with our colleagues.
If you have any topics that you would like to see presented, please share with Arlene and we will schedule them at a future meeting. If you have topics you would like to present, please let us know.
Jim Watkins is a senior developer for Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc. HCCS is a 32-year-old Computer Consulting firm located in Overland Park, Kansas specializing in providing custom solutions to real world challenges for their clients.
Q&A Session:
Bring your Access questions for the group to answer, explore or brainstorm ideas.
Upcoming Meetings:
Please consider sharing a presentation with your fellow Access Users.
10-19-22 On-line
11-16-22 On-line
12-21-22 On-line
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