April WiSKC Meeting

Please join us for an unforgettable event. We're planning something you won't want to miss, and we hope to see you there.

Location is TBD

April 15, 2024
6:00 PM



Early Bird tickets end soon!

Hey DevOps enthusiasts,

Just a friendly reminder that the Early Bird discount for DevOpsDays KC is about to take off like a well-optimized cloud deployment!

That's right, you can still snag your ticket for only $149.99 (25% off!) until March 14th. After that, tickets soar to the full price of $199.99.

Don't miss out on this chance to:

  • Level up your DevOps skills with some great talks from industry experts from around the world.
  • Network with fellow developers and operations professionals from across the Kansas City area.
  • Fuel your brain with delicious food and drinks (because learning is hungry work!).

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your Early Bird ticket before it's too late! https://tickets.devopsdayskc.org

We can't wait to see you there!

P.S. Spread the word to your DevOps buddies! The more, the merrier (and the more knowledge we can all share).

- The DevOpsDays KC Organizers

You're receiving this exciting email as a former attendee or subscriber to our DevOp



Early Bird Ends May 26th

The early bird gets the worm 🪱, and you'll get great discounts on KCDC tickets purchased more than 30 days before the start of the event! Early bird tickets this year start at $299 for the conference and $399 for the conference + workshop day. You have until Monday, May 26th, to lock in your tickets at the early bird price, so head to our ticket site and secure your spot!

Full-day and half-day workshops are Wednesday, June 26th. The main conference with breakout sessions is Thursday and Friday, June 27-28.


KCDC is back in Downtown Kansas City at the Kansas City Convention Center, June 26-28.

Join us for a unique opportunity to come together as a community, meet and talk with speakers in person, learn and grow together, and enjoy random and spontaneous "hallway track" conversations.

So don't miss your opportunity to attend KCDC, where you can reconnect with old friends and make new ones!
Buy your tickets today

The speakers and sessions for KCDC 2024 have been announced, you can view speakers here and sessions here. We are currently channeling all of our scheduling wizardry to build out this year’s agenda. Keep a lookout for more announcements of its release in the coming weeks.🧙


We at KCDC have always prided ourselves on providing a diverse set of tracks for our attendees. It provides a rare opportunity for attendees to not only learn about the latest trends in their areas of expertise but also stretch out to new interests.

We are happy to announce we have updated our tracks this year. This year the Data Science track has been expanded to include AI content. The Project Management track has been modified to be the the Methodologies and Process Management track. We have also added the Other Technologies track to provide an opportunity for emerging technologies or less well-covered ones.

KCDC will continue to offer sessions in Architecture, Cloud, DevOps, Security, Testing and QA, UI and UX, C#, JavaScript, and Java!
Get those KCDC tickets
Refund Policy 🚨

Our refund policy is now part of the KCDC Code of Conduct. Please visit our Code of Conduct page on the KCDC website for the latest info.

We hope to see you in person in June!

- KCDC Team
Haven't bought tickets yet? Click here!
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